The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 169 Children are the most pitiful

Chapter 169 Children are the most pitiful
He Xiner saw his father's face was ashen, and her mother was crying so hard that she almost died, and only then did she realize that her aunt's words of death were understood by the whole family!

She didn't expect this!
The eldest aunt is so capable of being a monster, you say she has a vicious mind, but she is bald all over the place, she is a fool!
But call her stupid, she is full of calculations!
She couldn't have imagined such a result!
Holding her mother's arm, she coaxed in a low voice, "Mother, don't be sad, with Dad here, no one will bully us."

"Girl is right, you don't have to be afraid, everything is up to me"

Ye Laiyin agreed in a deep voice.

"Why don't father and mother go back to the house to have a rest, it's a mess here."

He Xiner suggested in a low voice that she should help her mother back first, but she was worried about the eldest brother.

Adults are divorced, but children are the most pitiful~
Also unable to step forward here, Ye Laiyin glared at Xiaoqian who was still being dragged by his brother, "Well, let's go."

After speaking, he helped Mrs. Wang go out.

Ye Xusheng stepped aside to make way for the aisle, lowered his head and shamelessly looked at his second uncle and aunt.

Ye Laiyin was rough but delicate, and he was a man with clear grievances and grievances. He walked up to Ye Xusheng and bowed his head and said, "You can't talk here, go back to the room."


Ye Xusheng still didn't raise his head, and responded in a low voice like a mosquito.


Ye Laiyin sighed and left.

He Xiner, who was full of unnaturalness, walked up to Ye Xusheng. Seeing his decadent appearance, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Xusheng, who lowered his head, felt even more sad. Is Xiner even annoyed by him?
After all, he was still a child, what his mother did made him feel ashamed and embarrassed, and felt sorry for the second uncle's family, especially Xin'er.

The strong sense of shame made him want to find a crack in the ground to get in, his hands trembled slightly, he didn't dare to raise his head, for fear of seeing Xiner's accusing eyes, he took a step back slightly, lowered his head and sprinted out.

The eldest brother is about to become a child of a single-parent family!

He Xiner thought desperately, what attitude should she use to comfort her hurt brother?
Before I could think of one, two, three, the hall brother ran away in a flash!


Brother Datang can't accept this cruel reality, can't he think about it?

chase it!

He Xiner's mind was in a fog, let's catch up with the big brother first, so she let go of her feet and ran outside.

But her calves were short, and she took another step slowly, only seeing the figure of the big hall brother, turning towards the direction of the back mountain, and after turning the corner, no one could be seen.


It's going to be dark soon, it's too dangerous for Da Tang to go up the mountain at this time!

He Xiner ran as hard as she could, and ran down the path to the back of the mountain. Turning to the path in front of the mountain, she didn't see the figure of the big brother, and she didn't dare to shout, for fear of attracting attention.

A child with a broken family is the most sensitive. He is afraid that others will look down on him. She will not embarrass Neng.

So, He Xiner gritted her teeth and persisted, huh~huh~, finally reached the bottom of the mountain, looked around first, the sun had already set, and the sky was about to darken, no one went up the mountain at this time.

He Xiner yelled "Big Brother, Big Brother"

While yelling, he followed the path he walked with the big brother last time, and walked into the mountain. The big brother didn't go to the lake in the deep mountain, did he?

The more she thought about it, the more impatient she became. He Xiner didn't care about the weeds, shrubs, and piles of rocks, so she accelerated the speed of her feet.

I don't care if my clothes are hung on a tree branch, I just pull it and continue walking, I don't care if my face is scratched by a bush, I wipe my face and continue walking, panting and sweating profusely.

Salty sweat ran down the red marks drawn by the bushes, and his face hurt.

She couldn't move anymore, so He Xiner put her hands together in the shape of a trumpet and put her hands next to her mouth, "Brother Hall, where are you?"

"Big brother, it's getting dark, go home soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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