Chapter 170
No matter how much she yelled, there was no response, so she could only continue walking up. As night fell, the moon hid behind the clouds and did not come out. He Xiner couldn't see the road ahead, so she could only walk forward with her intuition.

"Big Brother, Big Brother"

After walking a few steps, he stopped and yelled. The yelling startled the little bird on the tree, flapping its wings and flying away. In this quiet mountain, this movement was not small, it almost scared He Xiner to tears .

Nothing to do at night, Zhang Dongqiang thought about going to the mountain ahead of time to wait for his friends, so he entered the mountain without any hassle, when a flock of frightened birds suddenly flew not far away, he immediately became vigilant, could there be an ambush in the mountain?

Just thinking about whether it is time to withdraw, a childish voice came from a distance, "Brother Datang, Brother Datang"

Zhang Dongqiang raised his eyebrows in surprise, isn't this the voice of his friend's cousin?

He has the ability of never forgetting what he has heard, so he immediately recognized He Xiner's voice.

Stand still and see what happens.

"Big brother, where are you?"

It was indeed the little girl, but why did she run up the mountain alone?

Could it be that the silly boy came early today, and the little girl followed behind, but got lost?
No wonder he thought so, because Ye Xusheng was always calm, he never imagined that that silly boy would do something like run away from home in anger.

Look up at the sky, there is no moon tonight, and you can't see it without pointing to the dark, that little girl is very dangerous in the mountains.

For the sake of my friend, I can't just watch her have an accident. It's too late to go back and call that silly boy, so I'd better go and see by myself.

After carefully debating the direction, he strode towards the direction of the sound.

After shouting for a long time, He Xiner stopped to take a breath before hearing the big brother's response.

There was no shouting, and the surroundings were completely silent, so quiet that it was scary.Especially the trees and rocks in the darkness, all of them looked terrifying and hideous, and He Xiner trembled in fright.

Finally I couldn't help crying, "Brother Hall, where are you? Huh~"

The more I cried, the more frightened I became, the momentum I had just now was exhausted, and I didn't dare to move anymore, I squatted on the ground with my shoulders hugged, crying so hard.

Zhang Dongqiang was used to walking at night, so he quickly searched for the sound and found a small black shadow huddled together, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound.

It's normal for such a little girl to be afraid, Zhang Dongqiang didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

He walked forward in small steps, because he practiced martial arts all year round, his footsteps were extremely light, He Xiner just hugged her head and sobbed, and didn't hear a single movement.

Zhang Dongqiang is very helpless, he is not a nosy person, if it is not for Ye Xusheng's face, he would not want to meddle~
But people have come to you, you still don't know, if there is a beast here, why don't you wait to fill its stomach?
"Ahem, little girl"

With a slight cough, Zhang Dongqiang greeted him.

He Xiner, who was crying fiercely, raised her head subconsciously, "Ghost~!"

I was so shocked that I fell to the ground, and I was about to run, but my hands and feet were weak, and I fell down after running, and I was so panicked that my hands and feet kicked wildly, "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

What is this reaction?
Didn't I just wear white clothes?

Zhang Dongqiang, who loves white clothes, was a little dumbfounded. Seeing the little girl moving around and rolling into a ball, he was afraid that she would roll downhill and be scratched by the rocks, so he jumped over to stop her.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I'm a good friend of your cousin"

"Ah! Ghost!"

He Xiner saw a white shadow flashing in the darkness and rushed over, she was so frightened that she was scared out of her wits!
"Listen to me, I'm your cousin's friend!"


Zhang Dongqiang was very helpless, can't you tell?

How about getting dizzy?

But such a small female doll is a bit overwhelming!

(End of this chapter)

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