The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1709 She Likes Smart People

Chapter 1709 She Likes Smart People
On weekdays, He Jiaheng is cautious, calm and dignified, and behaves well in dealing with people, as if everything is measured with a ruler, and no one can find any faults.

He is the eldest son entrusted by the Elder He Hongjin with a heavy responsibility, and he is the son he taught by hand. He is young and dignified, calm and calm, and he has completely lived up to the expectations of the Elder.

He has long forgotten how long it has been since he laughed wantonly and indulgently. He always wears a mask on weekdays. After a long time, even he himself is used to it.

It turned out that the unreserved large sum of money was such a happy and comfortable thing.

Both He Xiner and Dabai were stunned by him, they didn't realize that a person who is usually so dignified still has such a side.

"Is it that funny?"

He Xiner rubbed her nose, and glared fiercely at him with black and white apricot eyes. The little girl was good-looking, and she thought she was fierce, but she was not fierce at all. Touching the top of her hair, she said in a warm voice, "Big Brother knows what to do, Fourth Sister can rest assured."

Hey, smart people are easy to talk to.

She likes smart people.

As soon as she was happy, He Xiner put him in her own camp, even if she was her own, she would not be polite.

"Brother, is he busy? Go shopping with me, okay?"

The girl with picturesque features, with big watery eyes, was deliberately acting cute, and looked at him expectantly, almost melting He Jiaheng's heart.

There is a little fairy who is my younger sister, she can't help being so cute even if she doesn't have to be cute, and if she tries to be cute, who can be ruthless to refuse.

"It's my brother's honor to be able to accompany fourth sister."


This time it was He Xiner's turn to laugh so hard that her shoulders trembled, He Jiaheng let her make fun of her.

After all this excitement, the two naturally got closer, becoming more like brother and sister, um, like a pair of good friends with similar temperaments.

So, He Xiner was not polite, and directly took him to Yu Linglong to give her palm eyes. Facing the curiosity in his eyes, she said bluntly, "I bought it for my hall brother. He never pays attention to these things, just outside. People like to value outfits, and I thought of buying a jade pendant because I was afraid that he would be underestimated."

He Jiaheng smiled knowingly, but said: "That kid is elegant and elegant, his appearance is extraordinary, and he has a style of demeanor in his actions. Whoever dares to underestimate him is probably blind."

As expected of this well-informed person who is in business, his eyes are sharp~
He Xiner felt happier when her elder brother Sheng was praised than herself. She couldn't help jumping for joy, her heart was bubbling, she was so happy~
Not to mention, He Jiaheng's vision is really good. He Xiner took a closer look at the jade pendant with the auspicious cloud pattern that he chose, and felt that it was especially suitable for the temperament of the eldest brother.

She took it carefully into her hand and looked at it. The jade is warm and moist, delicate in texture, transparent and shiny, and its color is like creamy fat;

It just so happened that she just got a good pair of mutton fat white jade bracelets, so she has gained insight and can appreciate a thing or two.

He Xiner couldn't put it down, the more she watched it, the more she liked it.

Classical carving techniques and vivid auspicious cloud totems add a lively charm to the elegant and simple jade pendant. The flawless jade seems to have life and infinite vitality.

Really good stuff.

Carved and carved again and again, a piece of jade and ten thousand gold, really makes sense!

"That's all, wrap it up."

He Jiaheng summed up silently, the fourth younger sister is not short of money, she has a monthly allowance from her father-in-law, and she is also good at doing business, um, she should not be short of money.

Almost didn't matter, he had a bank note with him.

"Chenghui, 500 taels of silver."

The waiter in the shop quietly glanced at He Jiaheng who was dressed in brocade clothes, and then at He Xiner who was dressed simply, feeling that this business was in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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