The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1710 She Was Really Beautiful

Chapter 1710 She Was Really Beautiful
In Yulinglong, a jade pendant worth 500 taels is nothing, there are many more expensive items than this, but Xiaoer saw that the young man accompanying him did not seem to be the one who wanted to pay for the money, and this girl was dressed very plainly, Can you get 500 taels of silver?
The little girl didn't ask the price before, she just opened her mouth and wrapped it up. If she didn't bring enough money, it would be ugly.

Just when Xiaoer was kindly afraid that He Xiner would be embarrassed, she happily opened her purse, and quickly took out a 500 tael silver ticket for him.


What did he see?
This pretty and refined little girl brought at least four 500 taels of silver notes with her! ! !
He subconsciously swept towards the little girl's bun. There were only two delicate beaded flowers. Who would have thought that she could easily take out a silver note of 2000 taels.

It's really not a person's appearance, and the sea water can't be measured.

He Jiaheng also saw He Xiner taking out the banknotes. He was startled for a while, and then glanced at the little girl in disbelief. The monthly bills made up by the public totaled 800 taels, so the money should be given by Lao Ye's family .

He thought of the spicy base material, thought of Ye Xusheng's extraordinary clothes, and after a little thought, he knew that the old Ye family's wealth was not supported by the eldest lady, and the old Ye family made money well.

It seems that that kid He Jiaming is still doing well after returning to Lao Ye's house.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression enigmatic.

"It's rare to go out with my fourth sister for a stroll. Brother invites you to drink tea."


After finally buying the item she wanted, He Xiner was in an extremely happy mood, and it was fine to go back and forth, and it was also good to go out for a stroll.

It was rare for He Jiaheng to relax. He drank tea with the little girl and strolled around the embroidery workshop before breaking up before noon, and had to rush back to Dingfuju.

With Dabai by his side, he wasn't worried about the little girl returning home alone.

Just after parting with the little girl, someone suddenly approached from behind him and patted him on the shoulder, "Be honest, when did you hook up that beautiful little girl?"

"Fuck you! My mouth is full of Huqin's shit, I can't kick you to death!"

After He Jiaheng was attacked, he quickly turned around and raised his foot to kick, but was nimbly avoided by the person who came, like a slippery loach, he slid away before touching him.

Knowing that he couldn't hit anyone, He Jiaheng wasn't angry, he glanced sideways at him, and said with a sneer, "Why are you wandering around the streets instead of sitting in the escort agency?"

It turned out that this person was Wei Shaoxuan, Shaodong of the Escort, and He Jiaheng's best friend.

"I haven't talked about the little girl just now..."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's my fourth sister."

"Oh, it turned out to be her, no wonder that silly little Chen Xing got hooked and was obsessed with all kinds of things, desperately fighting for his life. She is really beautiful, tsk, tsk..."

Just as he was feeling emotional, He Jiaheng took advantage of the opportunity and punched him on the left side of the cheek, but martial arts practitioners were vigilant and quick-moving, He Jiaheng could not sneak attack.

Seeing that the fist was about to fall on his face, Wei Shaoxuan squeezed his wrist and said with a smile, "Why are you so angry?"

"Dare to defeat my fourth sister's reputation, the young master will not spare you!"

"Okay, okay, don't mention, don't mention..."

Wei Shaoxuan shrugged his shoulders, looking as if he couldn't do anything about him, put his shoulder on his shoulder with a playful smile, "I haven't eaten that Laoshizi spicy hot pot for two days, and the glutton in my stomach is biting me."


He Xin'er didn't know, but He Jiaheng knew about Chen Xing's affairs clearly.

Thinking of Chen Xing's infatuation, after returning to Qingxinyou, she stood in front of Xuehu's iron cage for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

Grateful for the other party's affection, she was really worried that he would stop thinking about it, so she kept thinking about it, and when she saw Ye Xusheng in the afternoon, she didn't care about giving the jade pendant, and asked Chen Xing first.

"Where is Brother Chen? How is he feeling?"

Ye Xusheng...

When the little girl saw him, she jumped at him with bright eyes. He was just happy, but her mind was full of that brat.

I really want to beat him up again!
(End of this chapter)

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