Chapter 1722 Is it dumb?

"Miss, hold on for another day, and it will be fine tomorrow."

"Well, after a few days in a row, I got used to it, and I'm not so tired."

"Miss is in good health, and she is fed with Tan Mama's ginseng chicken soup, so she looks very good."

With gentle movements on her hands, Wei Yu carefully combed her hair bun, and said with a soft smile, "Seeing the complexion of the second madam and the three young wives getting worse day by day, it seems like a baby girl is born. serious illness."

He Xiner rolled her eyes at her, "Be careful outside, don't let people misunderstand that we are just a joke."

"The servant girl understands."

Knowing that she was a modest person, He Xiner didn't say much. Speaking of which, it was the first time that this maid was talking about her in front of her, which showed that she was much more relaxed than before.

Luo Hua at the side listened to Wei Yu's words, and felt a little gloating about her misfortune, but seeing that the young lady wouldn't allow her to gossip, she could only hold it back by herself, but it was really hard.

With a bulging face and her lips pursed tightly, she chose an elegant dress for her young lady, a concubine-colored twig-patterned cotton satin jacket paired with a water-blue pleated long skirt, and showed the lady the effect respectfully. .

He Xiner glanced at her with a half-smile, "Why doesn't Luo Hua girl speak? Could it be that she's dumb?"

"The servant girl is fine, but I'm afraid that talking too much will annoy the young lady."

Hearing this, He Xiner couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing, "Giggle——"

Luo Hua and Wei Yu also looked at each other and smiled, relaxed and at ease.

Because of learning the rules, the old lady skipped the greetings for the past few days. After breakfast, He Xiner went directly to the flower hall. Except for the old lady and Madam Xu, everyone else arrived, all of them sullen and silent.

If there was a slight rain before, she took her heart, looked around quietly, He Chuer and He Qier were okay, there was a little tiredness between their brows, but they sat upright, exactly as Xu Mama taught, Always pay attention to the image.

The second wife and the three young wives are not good enough. They are all listless and lack of energy. After learning the rules for a few days, they still sit crookedly and look like they want to lie down. It's really funny to watch.

If I knew today, why bother.

He Xiner pursed her lips lightly. These few are the masters who can't take advantage of it and suffer. From the beginning to the end of the abuse, it is really asking for trouble.

While she was muttering secretly in her heart, other people were also thinking about her secretly. She was not tired at all, but she was still full of energy and high spirits. Charming, breathtakingly beautiful.

The second wife, Mrs. Kong, secretly scolded the little fox, she looks so seductive at such a young age, which shows that she is not a good person.

The third young mistress, Chai Shi, glanced at He Xiner secretly, thinking of what her husband said when he gave her a pair of white pigeons, her heart ached.

That dead thing keeps saying that the fourth sister has a complexion like snow and is as beautiful as a flower, and the gadgets she raises can't be worse. They must be snow white to match the good color of the fourth sister.

Those words were simply poking her heart, he did it on purpose!

Isn't it just that her complexion is a little worse, her facial features are still very pretty, but that dead thing can't see her goodness, and always taunts her as a yellow-faced woman.

Dead things don't even think about it, his dignified daughter-in-law married him a bastard, and brought enough dowry, and didn't feel sorry for him at all, what else did he want?
Chai's dull and dull skin takes half an hour to put on makeup every day. Layer after layer is applied on the face, and gorgeous rouge must be applied to suppress the strange whiteness. In short, the whole face looks like wearing A thick mask, very fake.

(End of this chapter)

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