The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1723 Some Chapters Can't Be Listened to

Chapter 1723 Some words are unhearable

Mrs. Chai hated He Xiner, from the bottom of her heart.

Thinking of her as a dignified eldest daughter of the Chai family, she was raised with rich clothes and fine food since she was a child, and all the things she used were of the highest quality. Since she was sensible and loves beauty, she has spent a lot of time, such as pearl cream and beauty lotion. I also used milk and goat milk to bathe, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get a good complexion.

Over the years, she has accepted the reality. After all, she needs to put on makeup, just apply a few more layers of gouache to make it whiter.

Which of the women around me is not supported by makeup?
Where there is a woman with skin as white as snow, it's not just a nonsense in the book, just a lie.

Chai, who seemed dissatisfied with her appearance since she was a child, for some reason, likes to read poems describing beautiful women, and always fantasizes herself as a peerless beauty, the kind who is so beautiful that she is so fascinated by herself of.

It's a pity, married to the broken-mouthed He Jiaxuan, who would poke her heart from time to time, and her so-called dream of a peerless beauty was helplessly shattered.

Every time she stumbled, she would say that the words in the book could not be believed, they were all exaggerated rhetorical techniques, just to attract people's attention, but she had never seen anyone around her who was as white as snow.

However, when the plain-faced He Xiner appeared in front of her, she couldn't go against her conscience and say that the book was a lie.

The jealousy between women is so ridiculous, and it is no one who arouses her deep disgust just because the other party is good.

In addition, when He Jiaxuan ridiculed her yellow-faced woman, he compared He Xiner's good skin a few times, and she hated He Xin even more, so disgusted that she wished she could ruin her face.

"I looked at my fourth sister's pink face, peach cheeks, smiling eyebrows, and a face full of spring breeze, but what can't be a happy event?"

Ever since He Xiner stepped into the flower hall, Chai subconsciously looked over, and then saw the indescribable charm between her brows, which was a bit more beautiful than usual.

She immediately felt sour, and secretly cursed thousands of times, but finally couldn't hold back, she began to ridicule secretly.

As Chai's voice fell, the eyes of everyone in the room swiped over.

He Xiner's heart shuddered, she was careless.

The Second Young Mistress looked at her silently. The girl with a beautiful face like a flower pursed her lips in silence, and the others couldn't help it.

Following Chai was the youngest grandmother Jiang. She couldn't see other people being happy, so she squeezed her throat and teased, "What kind of happy event happened to the fourth sister? Let's all listen to it and be happy together."

He Chuer and He Qier looked at He Xiner with burning eyes, the jealousy in their eyes should not be too obvious.

Watching the people in the big room fighting themselves, the happiest one was the second lady. She pretended to be coquettish and covered her mouth with a veil, giggling non-stop, like an old hen laying eggs.

"Hehehe——, the look of the fourth girl's eyebrows and eyes is affectionate, it really seems to be..."

"Second Madam, be careful!"

The clear voice had no warmth, and it interrupted the second lady's coquettish and contrived voice crisply. He Xiner's complexion was calm and her eyes were cold. Can't hear it."

Stared at by her cold eyes, Kong couldn't help but think of Dabai's appearance of threatening her, and felt a chill in his heart, he didn't dare to get angry.

It turned out that she was the first to cause trouble, how important a woman's reputation is, how she didn't know, it is normal for the other party to turn his face, and this dead girl is not a good tempered girl.

Thinking about how she dared to point her nose at her master and scare people with Dabai before, Kong became a little wilted. This kind of feeling made her feel annoyed and even more ashamed.

One must know that she is not that shameless He Hongzhang.

Kong twitched the corners of her mouth, held her breath, and said, "I'm afraid the fourth girl is thinking too much, aren't we praising you for your good looks!"

(End of this chapter)

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