The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1725 I just said it casually

Chapter 1725 I just said that casually

Chai's face, covered with more than a dozen layers of gouache, was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The dead girl did it on purpose!
Absolutely on purpose!

What she is wearing today is a delicate goose yellow waist-length skirt, plus an autumn-colored beige. The front and cuffs are inlaid with moonlight white piping, embroidered with exquisite mastflower patterns, and the flowers are blooming, delicate and beautiful.

The whole set of dresses is tranquil, elegant, graceful and beautiful. She loves this tone very much, and imagines that she is the ultimate beauty written in the book.

Oh, her skirt is full of five layers of light yellow moon shadow gauze. She moves lightly with lotus steps, graceful and graceful, and the corners of her skirt are flying in the breeze, light and elegant, as graceful as a fairy...

But now, what did she hear?
That stinking girl with a poisonous mouth said that people with dark skin look worse in light colors! ! ! !
Chai simply couldn't bear the blow, she felt the blackness in front of her eyes, almost fainting.

"You, what do you mean?"

The veil in her hand was about to be torn, if she wasn't afraid of Dabai, she would have slapped He Xiner a few times in the morning.

The Second Madam is now concentrating on watching the show, the others didn't expect He Xiner to poke someone's feet so badly, so they were a little taken aback.

He Xiner smiled sweetly, "The third young lady's question is so strange, aren't we chatting, from skin care to clothing, I just casually say it, what's the point?"

Say it casually!
Chai's angina!
She was about to die of anger, but the other party said lightly, yes, she said it casually!
Maybe she asked to be angry?
Just when Mrs. Chai was about to faint from anger, Madam Xu, who always had an old face and was serious and stern, walked in majestically with a ruler in her hand and a straight body.

Everyone hurriedly got up and saluted.

Then the old lady came slowly, dignifiedly and gracefully, surrounded by a group of maids and women.

Everyone held their breaths and focused on the theological rules, even Mrs. Chai didn't say anything, just glared at He Xiner a few times, and at the same time quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

If she was allowed to continue speaking, she might not be able to say anything ugly with her air of rage.

He Qier was still silently calculating the accounts in her heart, she calculated based on using two bottles each time, even if it was pearl ointment in a glass bottle, it would cost 40 taels of silver, and after a month it would be 200 taels of silver.

She, even if she has the monthly payment made up by the public at one time, she still can't afford it.

So she is lying!
He Qier decided that He Xiner was lying, and she was about to despise her when she suddenly felt uncomfortable in every possible way. No matter whether she used pearl cream or not, her good skin was obvious to all.

Thinking about it this way, how could she have the heart to make fun of her for lying.

As a woman, who wouldn't want her complexion to be as snowy as white jade?

The effect of pearl cream and rose cream on skin care is naturally good, but she didn't believe that He Xiner would be so extravagant, not to mention that when she just returned home, her skin was very good, and she was not raised in He's mansion.

Thinking of this, He Qier's heart skipped a beat.

What she said just now is clear and logical. Does she have any secrets to take care of her skin?

The rest of them are not stupid either, they thought of the key points in the thought, and thought that the bumpkin from the countryside would be a village girl with a yellow hair, but they turned out to be a A little beauty with a skin as white as cream.

Thinking back on how I felt at that time now, I can't describe it.

In terms of natural beauty, the First Lady Song and He Lan'er have always taken good care of her, but her skin is as white as snow.

You must know that she grew up in the country, so I don't believe that she can use good pearl ointment and rose ointment.

So is it possible that she has a good way to take care of her skin, and the things she uses are not expensive?

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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