Chapter 1726 Let her go
But thinking about her temper, it's really annoying.

Forget it, let’s start with drinking rose tea. Well, you should also try rose scented soup. There are also pearl cream and rose cream in the future, but you have to apply it all over your body. In order to maintain a good complexion, you can spend some money A piece of cake.

A married woman has a dowry and ample money in her hands, so she can still afford this expense.

Especially the third young lady, Chai Shi, her dowry can be described as generous, and she has two prosperous shops in her hands. She is not short of money. In order to raise a good complexion, she spent a lot of money. These flowers are really not worth it. what.

Speaking of which, she is also a weirdo.

Because she was jealous of other people's beauty, she secretly provoked trouble, but in the end, He Xiner scorned her. She was so angry that she almost fainted. If this happened, the two of them could be regarded as enmity.

Normally, she should be dismissive of He Xiner's words, especially the other's suggestion to make her drink more rose tea, she should hate it deeply.

As a result, the third young lady with a strange brain circuit actually drank rose tea, and drank it from the morning when she opened her eyes until she fell asleep at night. She didn't feel ashamed at all after listening to He Xiner's words of.

And since then, I haven't found fault again, which is quite strange.

The women took action that day, vowing to have a good complexion, but He Chuer and He Qier failed. They didn't have so much cash in their hands, so don't mention the depression in their hearts.

Knowing that on Chongyang Day, He Xiner would get up early to go to Fucheng, Ye Xusheng didn't come over to disturb her the first night.

Just like this, He Xin'er was so sleepy that she was called up by the two maids before dawn. She took a bath, changed clothes, and dressed up. She closed her eyes the whole time and let them manipulate her.

Of course, except for bathing, she is not used to being served by people, but she is soaking in the fragrant soup, her eyes are also closed, she is really sleepy.

"Miss will rest up now, don't sway when you get on the carriage, and be careful to wrinkle your dress, it won't be beautiful."

Luo Hua was afraid that she would go to sleep and would not even want her image.


He Xiner yawned, and two tears came out of the corners of her eyes, showing that she was extremely sleepy.

"I really don't understand what the old lady is thinking. With such a long journey, can't you rush to stay and rest in advance, and then appear in front of everyone energetically?"

"I've been tossing around this early in the morning, not to mention I can't sleep well, and I have to ride a carriage for nearly two hours. This journey alone has exhausted people's energy."

Just the day before she was about to leave, He Xiner finally found a free time, went to the old lady, and prepared to analyze it sincerely. She had a special status and was not suitable to attend the banquet at the uncle's house. As a result, the old lady He didn't listen at all, and dismissed her with one word, saying that all the girls in the family must go.

Forget about He Xiner's depression.

Now, I am extremely speechless about the old lady's unreasonable arrangement.

Just think about it, a person who already lacks sleep and lacks energy, no matter how busy he is on the road, when he arrives in Fucheng, it is no wonder that his face looks good, but the clothes on his body must not look good.

"Maybe it's because the old lady doesn't want to disturb the uncle's house, and she is afraid of causing trouble to others."

He Xiner twitched the corners of her mouth, but did not make another sound.

She intuitively felt that the old lady had something else to hide.

I really don't understand, even a normal human relationship is so twisted and twisted, if I don't know it, there is some kind of conspiracy.

Forget it, let her go.

Left and right she is just a sham, just follow through the motions and come back.

The breakfast was rich, but He Xiner didn't have any appetite, so she only drank a bowl of lotus seed soup.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu didn't persuade her much, and put two more snacks in the food box she carried with her, and after wrapping up the spare clothes, the master and servant took Dabai and went to the Chuihua Gate to wait for the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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