Chapter 1730

Chen Xing frowned, somewhat puzzled by his completely different attitudes before and after.

He stood still and pondered for a while and said, "I want to meet with the Patriarch of your family to discuss in detail, please let me know."

While talking, he took out a handful of copper coins and handed them over. Mu Laowu seemed to be scalded, and backed away in shock. He waved his hands again and again, "You won't get rewarded for nothing, brother, take it back."

"My son has sent a message that this house will never be rented out. Brother, I'd better go to other places to have a look, don't waste time here."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Chen Xing knew that it would not be possible, so he had no choice but to leave.

He's mansion is rich and noble, the entire mansion occupies half of the street, the neighbors are also big families, with gardens and pavilions, gardens and pavilions, and the house is very well built, such a family would not rent a house.

As for the front and back streets centered on the He Mansion, there are almost no small households.

After observing for a few days, he took a fancy to this family. Erjin's courtyard was just right in size, and it was also close to He's residence. It was the most suitable for his conditions, but it was a pity that the family did not rent it.

Standing under the strong autumn sun, looking at the street full of people coming and going, Chen Xing felt empty and lost.

Thinking back to the time when I first saw her, it seemed like yesterday.

At that time, the heavy snow had just fallen, and the sky and the earth were all white. She was wearing a red cloak, and a hat trimmed with snow-white rabbit fur. She only showed a small white and pink face, with bright eyes that looked good and looked forward to brilliance. , as beautiful as a fairy.

A few years have passed, and that picture is still as fresh as ever, deeply engraved in his mind.

That was his little fairy, the woman he swore to protect his whole life.

He has worked hard for so long, and struggled for so long, but he still can't get her status.

So he thought, it's better to be closer to her, she will always go out of the house, and then he will take a look at her from a distance, knowing that she is well, and he will be content.

Is such a small wish difficult to come true?

A gust of autumn wind blew, cool as water, blowing towards the face, hitting the face with coolness, Chen Xing's chaotic brain instantly cleared up, and a sharp light flashed in his deep eyes like Tan.

He regained his energy and stopped wasting time standing in a daze on the street, striding towards the nearest tooth shop.

Mu Laowu is not a fool, he would not run into Chen Xing head-on, and that kid would not be able to detect his son's intentions.

Although I don't know why, the son is so targeted at the black-faced boy, but he is a son of the son, so he naturally takes care of the errands.

He wanted to start as soon as possible and rent out all the empty houses in the surrounding area so that he could do business with the young master.

Glancing at Chen Xing who was walking away, Mu Lao Wu thoughtfully changed direction.

At this time, Ye Xusheng was in a complicated mood. He really didn't expect that Chen Xing would still refuse to let go.

Originally, he thought that since he talked about it that day, he should think it over and stop pestering him endlessly, but this person has been going all the way to the dark, he is really a muscle.

I really don't know what to do with him.

Ye Xusheng pushed himself to save others, but he would also be unable to let go.

Just thinking about not being able to stay with Xin'er forever, he would be in pain...

There was a sharp pain in the bottom of his heart, like a needle prick, Ye Xusheng immediately came back to his senses, picked up a cup of herbal tea, raised his head and drank it all, he let out a long breath.

He and Xin'er are in love with each other, they are inseparable, and they agreed to stay together for the rest of their lives, never to be separated.

Just now I was dazed and just thinking about it.

At this moment, Ding called through the door curtain, "My lord, the hot water is ready."

He immediately got up, strode out of the house, without Ding's help, sent people to the front yard, and carried hot water to the side room by himself.

The general was frightened into a cold sweat, and his body was extremely cold and uncomfortable. After washing it, his whole body immediately felt refreshed.

Look at the sun in the sky, it's time to start, it's not good to dawdle.

You don't need other people's help, you can dress and comb your hair by yourself, and you can tidy up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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