The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1731 1 There is an old lady in everything

Chapter 1731 Everything has the old lady
Ye Xusheng wore a stone blue brocade robe with round flowers and dark patterns, a belt with cloud pattern embroidered with silver silk thread of the same color, his hair was pulled up high and fixed with an ebony hairpin, it was elegant and elegant, like a tree facing the wind.

He picked up the suet white jade pendant that the little girl gave him, stroked it lightly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, his eyes were as soft as spring water, he put it to his lips and kissed it lightly, and put it in his purse.

The little girl gave him a gift, so don't show it to others.

The crow blue brocade purse was embroidered with a small orchid grass. The embroidery was quite satisfactory. It was written by He Xiner. Ye Xusheng put the purse away with care, and ordered Ding to not let outsiders in before going out with peace of mind.


Yongchangbo Mansion.

Chaohui Hall is the courtyard of the old matriarch of the Bofu, and it is also the largest courtyard in the entire Bofu.

He Xiner looked at her nose with her eyes and her heart with her nose, and turned a deaf ear to the scene around her.

At this time, Chaohui Hall, inside and outside the courtyard, is full of people, with fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples, jewels and emerald flowers.

As if she is in a picture of ladies in various poses and with different poses, she always feels unreal.

The lady in charge led the way, and a young maid came in to report the visit of the female relatives of the He Mansion in Lin'an County. In front of the hall, a dignified and graceful woman brought a few maids to welcome the old lady, "Greetings to my aunt."

"Quick and free."

The old lady smiled amiably, quite like an elder.

The old lady, who was surrounded by a crowd of lively people, stepped into the hall, and He Xiner followed behind the old lady in a trance, and filed in with He Chuer and He Qier.

"Lady He is here."

A little maid sang the salute, her voice was clear and bright, overshadowing everyone's voices.

Yingying and Yanyan, who were all over the room, looked over in unison, and became quiet for a while, and some people whispered to their ears, as if they were muttering about who the He family was.

"Hello, sister."

The old lady was calm, amiable, with a gentle and reserved smile, and said hello to the old lady above her respectfully.

He Xiner blinked, and continued to stand quietly behind He Qier with her head slightly lowered.

The maidservants of several people were waiting outside the yard and did not follow in.

The old lady of Yongchang Bofu, wearing a dark red chrysanthemum dress with crab claws and chrysanthemums inlaid with bright gold, a dark green jacquard woven gold pleated skirt, a high bun with clouds, a head full of gold hairpins and emeralds, and a luxurious golden silk inlaid with rubies. Shuangluan's emerald green step shakes, which sets off her grace, luxury, solemnity and dignity.

She is full of radiance, hale and hearty, with a benevolent face and a noble and dignified smile.

"My sister, why do you need to be more polite?"

The two old sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, so it's inevitable to send a few words of concern. After the greetings, the old lady said, "Girls, come and see my aunt."

He Chuer, He Qier, and He Xiner quickly bowed their knees and saluted, "Greetings to the old lady."

The old matriarch is the wife of the first rank, with a noble status, and to show respect, all the juniors in the He family call her the old matriarch.

"A few girls come up and let me have a good look."

Old Nangong Madam smiled kindly, with a friendly tone.

He Chuer and He Qier rushed forward, smiling and saying auspicious words, not to mention the intimacy, their eyes were full of admiration, and they didn't know it was their granddaughter.

He Xiner took a step back and stood behind the two of them.

"Both Miss Chu and Girl Qi have drawn a lot, and their little faces have also grown, making them more and more handsome."

These words made the two of them overjoyed, they both felt their faces glowed, their little faces flushed with excitement, they hadn't drunk yet, but they were half drunk.

The woman next to the old matriarch smiled and said, "This pretty little girl is a bit strange, as if her head is turning around."

He Xiner lowered her head and pretended to be a quail.

Everything is up to the old lady, it's not her turn to say anything.

Sure enough, the old lady was calm and did not explain, she smiled at the old lady above, "I am going to introduce to my sister, this is the fourth girl, named Xin'er."

(End of this chapter)

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