Chapter 1747 Everyone Congrats

He Xiner frowned slightly.

"Miss Seven, don't be arrogant..."

"Bah! Don't talk about those useless things, just say whether to write or not?"

Seeing her suddenly persuading her with good words, Nangong Ling became more and more convinced that she was illiterate, she was extremely proud, her round face was a little distorted with excitement, her beautiful almond eyes seemed to be beating with flames, she was dying Staring at He Xiner, she sneered and shouted, "What? You're good at bragging, but you'll be scared if you're serious?"

Nangong Han, Nangong Bin and others frowned.

What's going on with this Nangong Ling, why is it so difficult to deal with, what good does it do her to embarrass her in public?

"Seventh Sister, don't be self-willed, go back quickly."


Just at this time, Wei Yu finally squeezed to her young lady's side, her eyes were red with distress, "Miss, you have been wronged."

He Xiner smiled lightly, and whispered to the big maid who was close to her, "I'm fine."

Her voice is soft and calm, which is completely different from the crisp and capable posture when she is jealous.

As soon as the master and servant met each other, they only had time to say a word, when Nangong Ling shouted again, "Don't try to get along with the surnamed He, isn't your maid blowing you up so much, you should write a word to tell me Let's see!"


Wei Yu's pointed oval face was about to turn into a bun face with anger, she subconsciously looked at Dabai, hoping that he would growl and scare that annoying ghost to death.

"What are you thinking? This is Bo's Mansion."

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry.

Wei Yu thinks about it too, Bo's mansion is not a place where you can run wild, if there is a big mess, it will not end well.

It was just that she couldn't be angry in the end, she turned her head angrily, and said with a cold face, "Why don't you write with a pen and paper?"

The corners of He Xiner's lips curled slightly, but she didn't make a sound.

"Okay, I want to see how long their masters and servants can pretend?"

Nangong Ling folded her arms to watch the excitement.

The others whispered, Nangong Han's eyes were complicated, thinking that even if she could barely read a few words, she might not be able to write well, and she would still be pointed out by others.

It's just that at this point, it's not easy for him to stop him.

Paper and pens are all ready-made, no trouble at all.

Wei Yu laid out the paper and ground it by hand.

Everyone was staring at her, but she didn't care, the ink stick in her hand was held very steadily, and she grinded it round and round according to her usual rhythm.

He Jiajie whispered, "Fourth sister just writes, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, don't be nervous."

He Xiner nodded with a chuckle.

He Chuer and He Qier looked at each other without saying anything.

Sit down, pick up a pen, dip in ink...

He Xiner held the brush high, and didn't put it down for a long time. She really didn't think of what to write for a while.

Seeing this, the Nangongqian sisters curled their lips in disdain.

With that, a sly smile flashed in He Xiner's eyes, and she began to write.

The way she writes is extremely serious, her eyes are clear, her face is calm, her temperament is graceful, elegant and quiet, she is as beautiful as a picture of a lady made by a craftsman.

The Nangong sisters all changed their faces.

He Jiajie raised his brows and whistled, "Fourth Sister's handwriting is as good-looking as Fourth Sister's."

Immediately, someone curiously turned behind He Xiner, "It's Zanhua Xiaokai."

He Xiner put away the pen, Xiao Yu hurriedly picked it up, gently dried the ink, and then showed it to everyone.

"Miss He's hairpin lowercase script is soft and beautiful, clear and flexible, it's really a good character."

"Gao Yi Qing Wan, smooth and thin."

"Miss He's handwriting is so good, it's really like a person."

"Well, without a few years of work, it is impossible to cultivate such aura."


He Xiner smiled lightly, "Everyone, I'm so proud of you!"

He Jiajie whistled again, "Fourth sister, don't be modest."

He Chuer and He Qier's faces were full of joy, but their hearts were extremely complicated. Who would have thought that people who grew up in the countryside could write well.

The previous sense of superiority suddenly disappeared, which is really uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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