Chapter 1748 Let's Go Back

Nangong Han fixedly looked at the girl with picturesque eyebrows, it was as if a feather brushed gently across his heart, which made him throb.

It turns out that this is the feeling of heartbeat, if there is a deer bumping around, it is so wonderful~
Lang, a young man with a cold nature, is like a spring breeze, deeply intoxicated by the beauty of his first love.

But the mood of the rest of the Nangong family was not good. Nangong Ling couldn't believe it at first, and then flew into a rage, "Since you can read, why didn't you say it? Why did you deliberately lead me to say those words?"

"My god, I have lived for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen such a brazen person!"

He Jiajie couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't care if the other party was a young girl who hadn't left the court, and she swears all the time, and she was so angry that she flew into a rage.

After all, the other party is the daughter of the uncle's family. He Xiner was afraid that he would get angry and start a big mess, so she quickly grabbed the young man who was about to move, "Fourth brother, calm down, right and wrong have their own justice, and there is no need to get angry with an unreasonable person." .”

Sisters Nangongqian and Nangongrui all looked ugly, but Nangong Ling still yelled, "Who do you say is unreasonable? I think you did it on purpose..."

"To shut up!"

Nangong Han was about to drink, but was snatched by Nangong Bin. He glanced at the tearful Nangong Ling, walked up to He Xiner, and bowed deeply, "I represent the ignorant Seventh Sister. apologize."

He Xin'er sideways avoided, and said flatly, "That's not necessary, it's probably because I have a disagreement with Uncle Yongchang's aura that caused all these disputes..."

Hearing what she meant, it turned out that she had made up her mind that she would never show up in the uncle's house again. Nangong Han was in a hurry, how could she let her say such serious words in front of everyone.

"It's because of our poor hospitality that my cousin was wronged. Don't worry, the uncle's house will give you an explanation."

Nangong Bin shouted in a deep voice, "Seventh Sister apologizes!"

"I don't apologize! I just don't apologize! It's clear that she deliberately set up a trap to frame me, so I don't want to apologize. "

Nangong Ling was in a frenzy, never admitting that she was wrong.

She is the daughter of the uncle's mansion, so she will not belittle herself and apologize to a merchant girl.

Nangong Bin's face turned black, "It seems that Seventh Sister, relying on the love of her ancestors, doesn't even care about her elder brother. Well, well, well..."

A group of people all opened their eyes, seeing such an unreasonable person for the first time, it was really emotional.

"Whether the co-author Miss He is literate or illiterate, she will be scolded by Miss Qi, she is extremely arrogant!"

"Who doesn't tell me, before she insisted that Miss He was an idiot, but now she was slapped in the face, and she insisted that Miss He framed her. This is playing everyone as fools!"

"I really didn't see it, the dignified uncle's mansion, the honorable family, is such an upbringing, tsk, tsk..."


Being run over by others, not to mention the brothers Nangong Bin, even the sisters Nangong Qian felt the pain in the face from the beating, it was extremely embarrassing, and they couldn't help complaining about Nangong Ling.

She was originally a character who wanted to be strong, she clearly behaved seven ways, but just because she was favored by the old lady, she was extremely arrogant, she didn't pay attention to the older sisters above her, she often uttered rude words, and offended everyone.

If you want to say that the previous supporters stepped on He Xiner, one was because as a member of the uncle's family, they had to be consistent with the outside world, and the other was because they looked down on the He family, and after hearing about He Xiner's background, they looked down on him even more, so I am happy to step on my feet.

But I didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

However, Nangong Bin, Nangong Ze and other brothers did not know that Nangong Ling was so delicate.

It's really hard for them to say anything.

He Jiajie insisted, insisting that Nangong Ling apologize, but the other party was more violent than him, crying and making trouble, insisting that the He family brothers and sisters plotted against her.

All the people who came to the banquet opened their eyes straightly, they had long since lost their mind to continue this elegant banquet, booing and teasing the Nangong brothers and sisters one after another.

He Chuer and He Qier said delicately that this matter was done by Seventh Girl alone, and it had nothing to do with other cousins ​​or cousins, but it aroused a lot of goodwill.

He Xiner felt bored straight away, and discussed with He Jiajie to leave, "Fourth brother, let's go back, there's no need to make a fuss over such a trivial matter."

(End of this chapter)

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