Chapter 1754 I miss you
It turned out that the young master He Jiaheng sent someone to fetch two jars of spicy ingredients.

He Xiner became a shopkeeper, so she didn't pay attention all the time. Seeing that they came to the door at this hour, she asked Luo Hua who came back with the money to keep the account, "Didn't Dingfuju pick up the goods in the evening? Didn't they pick up the goods last night?" ?”

"Yesterday's has been taken away, and this is for lunch today. The business of Dingfuju Hot Pot is good recently, and I have to pick up the goods twice a day."

This He Xiner really doesn't know.

On weekdays, she writes fairy tales in the morning, and they don't bother her if there is something to do.After the lunch break, he took Dabai out and came back at night.

In addition, after learning the rules for a few days, I went to Fucheng again, and never asked about business matters.

"That's it~"

Come to pick up things every morning. After a long time, it will definitely attract people's attention.

He Xiner thought for a while and said, "I'd better tell them to come in the evening and prepare two extra jars, and finally don't come during the day."

"Yes, the maid understands."

He Xiner asked in detail the quantity of goods the other party had picked up in the past few days, and calculated it in her heart. She felt that Mrs. Tan and the others could be busy, so there was no need to add more people.

"Everyone has worked hard. Don't worry about eating. Spend what you need. You have to eat well to have the strength to do your work."

Luo Hua had already recorded the accounts, picked up the little milk cat casually, and said cheerfully, "Just those greedy cats, I won't spare the miss."

He Xiner also laughed, "What is the purpose of earning money, isn't it just to eat well and dress well? I can't even fill my stomach, so who is interested in earning money?"

"Miss said that the servant girl is happy when she sees more and more money in the account every day, and then calculates what kind of food to add every day, and when she eats something good, she is particularly confident, and the servant girl often Thinking about it, it's great to have money, and the days when you can buy whatever you want to eat, it's so cool!"

Luohua's round bun face turned into a flower with a smile, and the beautiful Xingzi's eyes were astonishingly bright, and she looked like she had gotten into Qian's eyes, it was not too funny.

He Xiner was in a good mood when she was teased by her, and temporarily put her troubles behind her.

After the lunch break, she read the book for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, she took Dabai to Ye Zhai leisurely.

At this time, Ding Shi was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and when she knew she was coming, she hurriedly brought a pot of tea for her.

"I didn't know that the lady was coming, so there was no stove, and the room was a bit cold..."

"It's okay, I'm wearing thick clothes."

"Miss, drink some hot tea, and the old slave will go to light the stove, and it will be ready soon."

After not coming for a few days, He Xiner felt a little excited, and she felt a little embarrassed, even when she first came back to see the house, she didn't feel this way.

Dabai didn't follow in, and He Xiner was the only one in the room. Holding a hot cup of tea, she smiled silently, feeling amused by her inexplicable nervousness and excitement.

When Ye Xusheng came back, it was already sunset.

The sky was gray, and there was a strong wind again, and the temperature dropped sharply. He was wrapped in the coolness and did not enter the house. He went to the side room to take a hot bath and changed into a set of homely clothes before he was allowed to see the little girl.

At this time, it was already dusk, the evening was dark, the glazed lamps were already lit in the corridor, and the room was also brightly lit. He gently opened the door, and a warm breath came over his face.

The room was as warm as spring, and his little girl greeted him with a smile on her face like a happy butterfly.

Ye Xusheng's heart was swollen.

This is their home, a warm home.

"Big brother, are you cold?"

Just as He Xiner was about to take him to a seat and pour him a cup of hot tea, he hugged her full, "Xiner, I miss you."

If she remembered correctly, they woke up in the same bed early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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