The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1755 It's so nice to have you

Chapter 1755 It's so nice to have you
He Xiner's heart was sweet.

"I miss you too~"

She nestled in the warm embrace of the eldest brother, wrapping her intimate arms around his waist, cute and cute.

Ye Xusheng was tall and had long legs, while He Xiner was petite and exquisite, not reaching his shoulders, she was hugged in his arms seamlessly, intimate to the bone and blood.

"Xin'er, it's good to have you."

The little girl in his arms was delicate, soft and sweet. Ye Xusheng sniffed the rich and mellow fragrance of her body, feeling extremely satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

He Xiner rubbed against his arms, and smiled lightly, "I came back from outside and drenched my stomach with the cool breeze, so I went to have a cup of hot tea to warm myself up, and we'll have dinner later."

"it is good."

Ye Xusheng responded gently, intertwined his fingers with her, and pulled her to sit on the warm couch.

He Xiner hadn't come over for a few days, and the layout in the living room had changed. The biggest change was this couch, which Ye Xusheng specially made for her.

Just because He Xiner occasionally said that he missed the hot kang at home, he remembered it in his heart.

The warm couch can sit and sleep, which is convenient and comfortable.

When the little girl comes, she likes to sleep on the couch or the bed, it's up to her.

He Xiner stretched out her hand to pour a cup of hot tea, and handed it to him with a smile on her face, "Big Brother, drink some tea."

"Thank you, Xiner."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and both saw the deep affection in each other's eyes.

Ye Xusheng felt that after drinking a cup of tea, it warmed his heart.

There was a voice of talking outside, it turned out that Ding called Dabai to go to the kitchen for dinner.

Ding Laowu built a new kennel under the porch, which is very big, like a small house, and a warm bed was made for him, but he was quite boring, and when he came here, he was disgusted by bad boys, and he was not allowed to enter the house, making it a mess. It's very depressing.

So that it doesn't taste good to eat.

Dabai is listless here, but Ye Xusheng is full of energy, fetching water to wash the little girl's hands, taking care of the little girl's meals, and taking care of her meticulously.

These habits seem to be engraved in the bones, skilled and natural.

Outside, the autumn wind howled coldly, the leaves rustled, and the glazed lamps under the porch swayed with the wind, casting an orange halo, which stretched the shadow of the pomegranate tree very long.

Indoors, the two of them sat on the warm couch and ate the pot around a small stove. The more they ate, the hotter it became. It was so hot that He Xiner's nose was sweating. She is afraid of heat, oh, and also afraid of cold. According to Ye Yuanyuan, she is a person who knows the cold but is afraid of heat, and is very delicate.

With no outsiders around, she simply took off her jacket and only wore a snow-white jacket and a light green cotton skirt.

Ye Xusheng was also dressed thinly. His complexion was smooth, his eyes were soft, and there was always a faint smile on his lips.

Warm a glass of wine for the little girl, put it in front of her, "Drink some fruit wine."

"Hee hee, I really want to drink."

In such a weather, eating a pot and drinking a couple of small wines is comfortable and comfortable.

"The spicy hotpot business in Dingfuju is getting hotter and hotter. We need four or five jars of spicy hot pot ingredients every day."

"A lot indeed."

One pot can make ten servings of hot pot, and four pots of hot pot base can make forty servings of hot pot, which is really a lot. Ding Fuju has many signature dishes, but hot pot is not the main dish.

"I don't know how the family's business is doing?"

"Brother is about to tell you that I will take a rest tomorrow, and I will accompany Uncle Guan to Fucheng."

When he went back last time, he had agreed with his family, and he accompanied Guan Xiuyuan to Zuixiangju in Fucheng.

He wasn't sure if Zuixiangju belonged to Dongqiang, but with Dongqiang's previous words, there was no problem in doing this business.

"Then the big brother is going back early in the morning?"

"No, I'll just wait for Uncle Guan and the others in the county town. We have made an appointment to meet at the city gate at Chenshi."

He Xiner nodded to show that she understood, "I bought it for my mother, please ask Uncle Guan to take it back."

"Don't worry, brother remembers."

The old madam has already sent someone to ask for a master, and with her resolute methods, maybe the staff will be in place tomorrow, after all, money can make ghosts turn the clock.

(End of this chapter)

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