The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1767 There is nothing that can't be said to people

Chapter 1767 There is nothing that can't be said to people
He Xiner didn't want to mention Lao Ye's family in front of the He family.

The old man gave her the jade ruyi gold necklace in the hope that her life would be safe and smooth, and that everything would go well. This was the old man's wish, but she had no need to tell others about this love.

She raised her eyes, looked at Jiang Shi faintly, and said calmly, "I don't need to tell the young lady about my things."

Jiang Shi is a typical grieving woman in the boudoir. She is used to her husband's indifference on weekdays, so she puts her mind on how to deduct the money.

And she herself is greedy for money, after taking charge of the Fuchu Zhongfu, it can be said that she is like a fish in water, every time even a tael of silver is deducted from the public account, it makes her smile with joy, and she can't extricate herself from it.

The fun brought to her by earning money has dispelled a lot of grievances about being alone in the vacant room. During this period of time, she is still in a good mood.

However, she suddenly discovered that her husband is not born with a cold heart and a cold heart, but also a person who loves others very much. Look at this is a white fox, a peacock, and a jade ruyi gold collar. Damn girl!
A deep resentment rose from the bottom of her heart.

The seeds of jealousy took root in her heart, growing wildly like weeds, and she almost went crazy.

If it wasn't for the fear of Dabai, she wished she could go forward and grab Hua He Xin'er's face.

The little fox is so shameless that he even seduces his own brother because of his good looks!
She stared at He Xin'er firmly, as if there was a ball of flames jumping in her eyes, she sneered ferociously, "There is nothing you can't tell others, fourth sister is hiding it like this, but what shameful thing did she do? "

"To shut up!"

He Jiaheng scolded coldly.

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

He Jiajie's eyes widened angrily.

"Sister-in-law be careful."

He Jiaxuan also opened his mouth.

With a dark face, the old lady cast a gloomy glance at He Xiner before looking at Jiang Shi, "Jiang Shi, you should be punished for slandering the fourth girl's reputation for no reason."

Elder Master He Hongjin snorted coldly, also seemed to be dissatisfied with her.

As for the people in the second room, except for He Jiajie, they were all watching the fun, and He Jiayu didn't seem to be watching the fun, but they didn't speak.

Jiang Shi was besieged, and she was even more annoyed to the extreme. She pointed at He Xin'er with the tip of her index finger painted in bright red danko, and was about to yell at her when she saw Dabai staring at her coldly, and she immediately froze.

She put down her hand resentfully, her face turned blue and purple, not to mention how exciting it was.

"Young Mistress said that you can tell people everything, right?"

He Xiner no longer cared about He Jiaheng's face, but also saw that the relationship between the two was not harmonious, and He Jiaheng was a reasonable person, not the kind of petty person.

Besides, why did she wrong herself? I'm afraid that if she doesn't care about it, others will think her stupid.

"Wei Yu, show the old lady the face that the public has just bought."

Jiang's complexion changed drastically. How could she have forgotten this, "Fourth, fourth sister, is this dissatisfied with the style? Just give it to me, and I guarantee that Wanfu Yinlou will change the fourth sister's set to your satisfaction. Why bother the old lady."

While talking, she didn't forget to wink at Zi Juan, the big maid beside her, and asked her to stop Wei Yu and pick up the things.

"Oh~, the meaning of the eldest young lady, this thing comes from the Wanfu Silver House? Could it be that they still sell gilt heads? Isn't that smashing their own signboard?"

What He Xiner said caused an uproar, and everyone looked at Jiang Shi in disbelief.

"Gold? Are you fooling us with the gilt head?"

"Ouch, the female family members of the He Mansion have gilded heads, so you can't laugh your ass off when you say it."

"Mr. Jiang, is this how you do things?"

The old madam was furious. She wanted to make He Xiner into a beautiful and talented lady, so that she could find a good marriage by then.

In the end, this short-sighted thing actually used its gold-plated head to fool her. If anyone finds out about it, it must not be thrown to death.

The second wife, the second young lady, the third young lady, as well as He Chuer and He Qier, hurriedly sent people to pick up the heads just bought this season.

Only after this comparison did they know that theirs were all pure gold, and only He Xiner's was gilded.

She just bullied He Xiner's ignorance, and the two maids didn't understand either, so she attacked her.

A set of pure gold masks is worth a lot of silver~
(End of this chapter)

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