The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1768 Dabai is not full yet

Chapter 1768 Dabai is not full yet

Everyone was shocked by her shamelessness, the majestic young mistress of the He family, is she still short of this money?
Even this little thing is actually greedy.

He Jiaheng loathed her even more, with a bitter petty air all over her body, she was an unworthy person.

The second wife, Mrs. Kong, was the most proud, she finally got hold of the big house, she booed vigorously, claiming that Mrs. Jiang was not qualified to continue to be in charge of Zhongfu.

It's just that the Second Young Mistress is a little moved, if the housekeeping power falls into the hands of the Second Household, then the Eldest Household will no longer be able to dominate them.

The eggplants that Jiang and Shuang beat were completely wilted, and they had no face to stay any longer, but they were afraid that if they left, they would annoy the old lady even more, so they had to bite the bullet and admit their mistakes, and she repeatedly begged the old lady to forgive her After this time, Zhi Dao never dared again.

The old lady didn't like her at first, but she was appointed to be in charge of Zhongfu just because of the embarrassment of the elder.

Seeing her look like this now makes her angry, wishing to kick her out of the He residence, but the image she has maintained for decades cannot be collapsed, she is dignified and majestic, full of aura, she severely reprimanded Mrs. Jiang and punished her. Her monthly bill for half a year.

But he didn't mention the matter of housekeeping, which made the second wife, Kong, almost angry, and couldn't help talking about it, but the old lady slapped her right there, and she didn't dare to say anything.

Speaking of which, among the married women, only the eldest lady, Mrs. Song, managed to get into the eyes of the old lady. After all, she is the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law. She spent a lot of effort to marry the Song family. Dear.

It's a pity that the Song family has no children, but they are very calculating, so they come to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix, and raise He Jiaming under their knees, and they cheat the whole world.

And He Jiaming is smart, he is good at reading and looks good, he likes the old lady very much, so he is more and more satisfied with the Song family.

It's just that what's fake is always fake, and the day the truth comes out, the Song family's status in the entire He family is doomed to plummet.

As a result, the entire He Mansion could not find a family head who could satisfy the old lady.

As soon as she is old, she will never bother with those thoughts again, she just cares about the big things, and naturally she will leave the small and trivial things to others.

Some of them are not on the stage.

The old lady doesn't like the Jiang family, but she doesn't like the second wife either. They are the same, so it doesn't matter whether they change or not. Besides, the Elder Master He Hongjin will not make the second room proud. Knowing sons is better than mother, old lady How could he not know what he was thinking, so the matter was settled like this.

Jiang Shi never expected to be able to retain the power of the family, she almost cried with joy, and she didn't feel ashamed, but she also thought that she had means, which made the old lady unable to leave her.

Then, she sat in her seat with a big face and didn't move. She should eat and drink, and looked at He Xiner's gold collar from time to time. She couldn't let this matter go in her heart.

He Xiner was not lighthearted when she was separated from her, and she was about to leave without eating two bites. He Jiajie was in a hurry, "Don't go, Fourth Sister, Dabai is not full yet."

He didn't care about eating by himself, so he first fed him some Dabai's favorite food, and then squatted aside to watch it with relish, happier than eating by himself.

"Let it eat slowly by itself, brother four go eat quickly, otherwise the food will be cold in a while."

Grateful for this friendship, He Xiner treats him differently from others.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry."

He Jiajie waved his hand indifferently, and pulled He Xiner's wrist to signal her to squat down. He Xiner didn't even look at his face, and pulled the hem of her skirt to squat with him.

Wei Yu and He Jiajie's servants intentionally or unintentionally surrounded the two of them, forming a relatively small space.

They were in the corner of the flower hall, some distance away from the dining table. He Jiajie tilted his head and glanced at the jade ruyi gold necklace on He Xiner's chest, and whispered, "Do you want me to accompany you back to Lao Ye's house?"

(End of this chapter)

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