Chapter 1777 What to hide

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyebrows were dark and bright, and a soft smile flashed across his face.

"Thank you, Second Sister, for your compliment."

He Xiner...

She should talk less.

But she only knows how to comb her hair, but she doesn't know how to make a bun, so she asked again, "Do you want to tie your hair up?"

It's okay to tie her with a hair rope, but I don't know if it looks good or not.

"Well, that troubles the second sister."

His tone was gentle with a touch of slack, He Xiner inexplicably felt that he was teasing her, and couldn't help but blushed.

He seldom called Second Sister on weekdays, and for some reason today, there was a Second Sister on the left and a Second Sister on the right, which felt gross.

She's just too embarrassed to point it out.

He clumsily tied a ponytail for him, but it ended up being loose.

He Xiner was a little confused.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tie it properly, or take it apart and start over..."

"It's okay."

Ye Xusheng didn't care at all, he turned around with a light smile, looked at her with a slight smile in his black Zhanzhan eyes, and gently held her little hand, and put it to his lips for a light kiss.

The cold wind blows outside, and the candles flicker inside.

There seemed to be a layer of soft light on his handsome face, his whole body was as warm as the sun, and his loose black hair set off his heroic face, moist and lustrous.

His gaze is focused and affectionate, and his kiss is as soft as water~
A heroic young man, tender and tender, the mountains are warm and the water is soft.

He Xiner's heart palpitations were severe, her mouth was dry, her heart was beating wildly, and she had an urge to throw people down.

The person in front of me is so, so charming.

Ye Xusheng stretched out his hand to caress her delicate and greasy face, his eyes became more and more gentle, he raised the corners of his lips, and smiled lightly, "I've troubled the second sister to comb the eldest brother's hair, but how can I thank you from the eldest brother?"

I said stop laughing, okay?

He Xiner felt that restless heart was about to jump out of her chest.

"No, you're welcome. My cousin also combs my hair often."


He seemed a little bit shocked by the answer. He dragged the word "Oh" in a long tone, and refused to stop. He was so childish that He Xiner couldn't help laughing.

"Big Brother, you are becoming more and more like a child..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his chin being gently pinched, and couldn't help looking up at him with his small face. His clear and handsome face was already close in front of her eyes, and his moist and soft lips faintly brushed across hers. , and then pressed her nose against her, with a hoarse voice, "Children? Huh~?"

Their foreheads touched, their noses touched, their lips almost touched, their breaths were entangled with each other, extremely ambiguous and seductive.

He Xiner's heart was pounding like a deer, and she couldn't stop throbbing.

She couldn't help swallowing, "No, not a child."

"Well, then what?"

His voice is hoarse and charming, with an indescribable charm, like a seductive goblin, easily teasing He Xiner's heartstrings~
The deer on the chest is about to be killed!
The big brother has gone bad.

With a flushed face and a beating heart, He Xiner thought to herself, the baby can't afford to be provoked or hide.

So, she backed away slowly with eyes wide open, but the person who was as keen as a fox quickly saw through her intentions, and while leaning forward, she put one hand on her shoulder and the other on the back of her head on, and put the man in his arms.

He lightly smiled and rubbed the tip of her nose, "Second Sister, what are you hiding from?"

He Xiner...

Her current posture is very strange, because the whole person is leaning backward, if it is not for the strong arms of the big brother, she will fall down.

"That, that, is the big hall brother hungry?"

She blushed and asked softly.

The distance between the two was so close, she didn't dare to make big movements when speaking, for fear of accidentally touching the other's lips.

She couldn't say why, but she had a hunch that the eldest brother did it on purpose, to seduce her on purpose.

She doesn't want to be fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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