Chapter 1778 How to Ask Him


Ye Xusheng moved away a little bit, looked down, and brushed her lips warmly, his Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was hoarse, "Second sister, hello brother, okay?"

Obvious meaning.

He Xiner only felt that her cheeks were hot, and her ears were also surprisingly hot.

His lips rubbed against her cherry lips faintly, very lightly, like a soft feather passing by, causing her heart to beat wildly.

Sure enough, she was right, the eldest brother was just trying to seduce someone, and he wanted to seduce her to kiss him proactively.

Madly complaining from the bottom of her heart, He Xiner's shy eyes were closed tightly, and she hadn't finished debating whether to do what he wanted, when she heard Mu Lao Wu's voice from outside, saying that the food had been brought back.

He Xiner couldn't help it immediately, she grinned and her shoulders trembled.

Ye Xusheng's expectant expression froze slightly, he pecked her lips lightly, and said with a smile, "Naughty."

It was already dark outside, he was afraid that the little girl would be hungry, so he stopped dawdling, straightened her up and sat down, and calmed down his emotions a little before letting people in.

It was Ding who came in. She was nimble and quickly set up the meals, and Ye Xusheng had always been used to serving He Xiner to clean her hands.

Originally, He Xiner wasn't that delicate, it was he who didn't allow her to get off the warm couch, and cared for her comfortably and thoughtfully.

"Xin'er drinks the soup first to warm her stomach."

After Ye Xusheng scalded the exquisite blue and white porcelain bowl with hot water, he filled a bowl of chicken soup for her, and placed it in front of her, the fragrance immediately overflowed.

"Hefenglou's chicken soup tastes really good."

He Xiner's eyebrows were curved, and she was in a happy mood.

"It's good that Xin'er likes it."

She raised her eyebrows lightly, and raised her eyes thoughtfully, "Brother Datang, why aren't you called Second Sister?"

Ye Xusheng looked at her tenderly, pursed his lips and smiled, and did not answer.

The possessed goblin flew away?

He Xiner secretly laughed.

The two sat opposite each other on the warm couch around the table, having a warm meal.

The weather is cold, and Hefenglou has used a double-layered ceramic insulation bowl, pouring hot water into the middle to keep the temperature of the food, and then putting it in a bamboo lunch box. The food is not cold at all along the way.

Six dishes and one soup are all He Xiner's favorites. She has a very good appetite. She drank a bowl of chicken soup and ate some of each dish, but she couldn't finish a bowl of rice. Let go of a part.

Ye Xusheng took care of her to eat well, poured tea for her to clear her mouth, took her rice bowl very naturally, and started eating with it.

He Xiner...

Forget it, they have done more intimate things, and eating a bowl of rice together is nothing.

She covered her face quietly.

Ye Xusheng ate very fast, and within a short time, he emptied a bowl of rice with more than half a bowl, and then quickly cleared the table.

"Take a rest tomorrow, what are the arrangements for the eldest brother?"

The two leaned on the soft pillow, hugged each other intimately and talked about themselves.

"I agreed with Uncle Guan, and I will accompany him to Fucheng."

The agreement at Zuixiangju is to deliver the goods once every ten days, and the price of the spicy base is not cheap, and the goods in a car are a lot of money. Ye Laiyin and others are worried that Guan Xiuyuan will deliver the goods alone. You can rest assured.

It is not always possible to invite bodyguards.

It is really such a small job that the Escort Bureau is not willing to undertake.

If the price is too high, it is not worthwhile.

"My cousin is going to work hard again."

Ye Xusheng embraced her, playing with her little hands with great interest, soft as boneless and smooth as fat, he couldn't put it down.

He lightly pecked her cheek, and said with a smile, "I should contribute to my family's business. It's just that I don't have time to spend with Xin'er, so I'm a little disappointed."

He Xiner's heart ached, she was already in the same bed every night, how could she stay with her?
"By the way, Brother Chen is not working as a bodyguard now, so he doesn't know what to do now?"

Ye Xusheng's hands stopped.

"How did you ask him?"

(End of this chapter)

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