The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1779 Can You Change Someone

Chapter 1779 Can You Change Someone
Chen Xing, he really doesn't know.

Before, he asked Mu Laowu to rent out the idle houses within Wutiao Street, but he didn't rent one. It turns out that there are no idle houses nearby.

It seems that he was lucky enough to rent this house.

After knowing this, he was not interested in inquiring about his whereabouts.

As long as he doesn't get too hotheaded to go to He's mansion to make trouble.

"In the future, the business will grow bigger and bigger, and we can no longer rely on Uncle Guan to deliver the goods. His role is to open up the market, and we can't waste it on such small things as delivery."

Also suddenly thought of this, He Xiner excitedly chatted with him, "Our business is getting bigger and bigger, we need a dedicated delivery person, and his duty is to deliver the goods safely. In the hands of the client, and then get the money back, Chen Xing is very suitable for this!"

According to He Xiner, customers like Zuixiangju are far away in Fucheng, and it is troublesome to travel back and forth. They can only deliver the goods within a fixed time. If they are used up halfway, it will not delay their business Said, I also earn less money.

If there are people who are responsible for replenishment and delivery in various places, the schedule will be more flexible.

For example, Zuixiangju, if the stock of goods is about to be used up, they can send a message through the post station, and when they get the news, they can arrange delivery immediately, and it can be delivered on the same day.

There is no need to involve Uncle Guan's energy, all his time is used to negotiate business and expand business.

"Chen Xing used to be a bodyguard master. He understands the rules and is knowledgeable. He has skills and has a guaranteed character. He is the most suitable candidate. When our business grows in the future, he can also recruit some bodyguard masters to join us. To support our old Ye family's bodyguard team, haha, Brother Hall, do you think this is a good idea?"

She was obviously in a good mood, smiling very happily, her black and white eyes were as bright as stars, staring at him brightly, waiting for his approval.

But Ye Xusheng's mood was complicated, he squinted his eyes slightly, the little girl spoke highly of that kid!
He really wanted to say, the idea is very good, can you change someone?

For example, Brother Mancang.

However, he also knew that the affairs of the family were inseparable from Brother Mancang, and he did not know martial arts, no matter how good his body was, he was still not as alert and sharp as a martial arts practitioner.

After thinking about it, Chen Xing was really the most suitable candidate.

But he was really awkward, he finally got rid of that pestering guy, so he should take the initiative to find him and give him a chance, so that he can be bound together with Lao Ye's family in a fair and honest manner.

He sincerely refused.

"Chen Xing is tough, down-to-earth, able to endure hardships, and willing to make progress. It's really rare. To support his family, he sold himself to an escort agency and risked his life to make money. It's not acceptable... umm..."

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, He Xiner counted her fingers and talked about how reliable Chen Xing was, which made Ye Xusheng jealous, turned around nimbly, blocked her mouth, and kissed her passionately. .

He Xiner almost couldn't take it anymore.

The person who was usually gentle to the bone suddenly became violent, and her lips were almost swollen from kissing.

The person who was blindsided by the kiss was in a daze, and the last sliver of reason reminded her that jealous men can't be provoked~
This kiss was long, affectionate, and extremely lingering. After a long time, Ye Xusheng stopped panting lightly. He hugged the little girl, twisted the six wooden beads on his right wrist with his left hand, and forced himself to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

He Xiner didn't feel much better either, her cheeks were flushed, she was panting delicately, a layer of fine beads of sweat emerged from her puffy little nose, her loose collar was slightly open, revealing her delicate white collarbone, which was alluring To the extreme, people can't help but want to feel pity when they look at it.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were deep and dark, staring deeply at He Xiner's eyes, stubborn and childish.

"In Xin'er's mind, what kind of person is Big Brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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