Chapter 1780 Too Nasty
This is a proposition.

He Xiner swallowed quietly.

Ye Xusheng looked at her with scorching eyes, waiting earnestly.

A certain person really wanted to say, you are enough, just now I was so dizzy when I kissed someone, and now my little heart is still trembling, you are so serious and serious to test him, it's too annoying!
However, she was timid and dared not speak.

So, someone squinted and looked around, but didn't look at him.

A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes, he lowered his eyes to look at the girl's snow-white and slender neck, his breathing was slightly difficult, and the anger that was about to be suppressed was ready to move again.

He lowered his head, like a dragonfly touching water, lightly pecked at her eyebrows, and at the same time gently helped her straighten her collar.

"Xin'er hasn't replied to elder brother's words?"

He Xiner's feeling was so simple, there were no words to express her feelings at this time.


Ye Xusheng rubbed the tip of her nose lightly and continued to pester her.

"That, that, the lobby brother is elegant, dignified, heroic, handsome and elegant, dragon and phoenix, um, the lobby brother is both civil and military, a good-looking talent..."

He Xiner, who couldn't avoid it, closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, blowing a rainbow fart in a fancy way.

As if pleased, Ye Xusheng giggled, his chest vibrated so badly that even He Xunxin'er under him felt it.

"I can't deserve Xin'er's praise..."

He was obviously very happy, the sweetness and joy that could not be hidden between his brows, and there was also a trace of tenderness, as gentle as water.

Seeing him happy, He Xiner was also very happy, and the hall brother was very easy to coax.

However, if you suffer a loss, you will gain a loss. It is better not to mention Chen Xing in the future.

In other words, He Xiner is also a person who can hold her breath, she has made up her mind about something, she won't do it if she says she can't do it, she really didn't mention anything.

The eldest brother will convey her thoughts to the elders in the family. As for who to choose to be responsible for the delivery, let them make up their minds.

After this interruption, she forgot to mention that He Jiajie wanted to accompany her home.

It was only when she returned to Qingxin's dormitory that she lived in seclusion that she remembered this.

When Ye Xusheng sent her back to He's residence at night, He Xiner said that she wanted him to go back, and that she could sleep for an extra hour tomorrow morning. She insisted, and Ye Xusheng had no choice but to do as she wanted.

Therefore, this is destined to be impossible to mention.

When it comes to He Jiajie's being generous, He Xiner really doesn't believe him.

That guy was really good to her. When outsiders bullied her, he stood up and defended her righteously, but usually, subconsciously, I always felt that he was not very reliable.

Just before Ye Xusheng went home, she was still thinking about this matter. Seeing that the weather was getting colder and colder, snow might fall at any time, and the road was covered with snow, so when she went back by then, her parents must be worried about her safety on the road.

It is said that if I go home now and see my pregnant mother, her heart will be more stable, and my father and mother will feel at ease seeing that she is well, and He Jiajie is with him.

Thinking about it this way, it is necessary to go home and have a look before the weather is bad enough to affect travel.

Knowing that everyone is well, I don't have to worry about it day and night. I just wait for the new year, when my father and mother move to the county, and then we can see each other every day.

The workshop at home, with uncle and uncle Guan, should be able to keep busy.

He Xiner was a little uncertain.

We can only discuss it when we meet.

When she thought that her parents might be entangled in business matters, and it would be difficult to move to the county seat as scheduled after the next year, she felt even more necessary to go back.

As for He Jiaming, whom she had been avoiding all this time, everyone said that he was hiding in the west wing, reading day and night, so just pretend that he doesn't exist.

Whether father and mother recognize him or not, it has nothing to do with him.

Nothing to be embarrassed about either.

It's been a while since she left home, and she's been thinking about everyone crazily. She's longed for it crazily, and all the thoughts she had or didn't have before are nothing to her now.

She just wants to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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