Chapter 1781 Time is very tight

Her mind was full of He Xiner who was going home, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep, at one moment she was annoyed that she didn't think of sending Luo Hua to buy something earlier, and at another moment she thought about rushing back for a family dinner tomorrow, reminding herself not to miss the time.

Then she silently finalized the schedule for the second day in her heart.

It suddenly occurred to him to bring some jewelry back to Yuanyuan and his cousin, all of them were new additions, and the things from the Wanfu Silver Building could be sold.

Ahhh, it's okay for others to say, it's good that they didn't prepare a gift for the old man.

So, she silently counted the time again. In the early morning, she can get up earlier and leave after the security check. The car shop can also rent a car at any time, but the shops in the county will not open too early. Things, my God, it will be afternoon when I get home.

No, no.

How about going back to Pingning Town to buy gifts?
But everyone in the town is not short of things, and when she goes back from the county, she will naturally buy some things from the county to represent her heart.

Ah, what should I do?
Just like that, the man who has always been calm, self-restraining, decisive and straightforward on weekdays straightened his hair in a tangle, and even rolled around on the bed, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

In the end, I don't know what time it is, it seems that the time has passed, but it was very late anyway, the person who was about to bald his hair finally couldn't stand it anymore, yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

Before going to bed, I was still thinking vaguely, if I knew this was the case, it would be better to keep the eldest brother, let alone give her advice, nestle in his warm embrace, and feel relaxed, then I would have fallen asleep already.

He Xin'er slept late, so she couldn't get up in the morning. It wasn't until Luo Hua called out three times that she suddenly remembered something. She got up, "What time is it?"

"The time is right."

"What time do the shops on the street open?"

It's never too early for their master and servant to go shopping, so who would go shopping so early in the morning? Luo Hua tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "My servant remembers that there are shops opening at two o'clock."

He Xiner silently calculated again in her heart, time was very tight.

You don't need breakfast, just leave, if you don't delay or stop on the way, it's okay, and you can stay at home for an hour.

So, she was a little annoyed again, why didn't she prepare things earlier.

Ah, never mind.

She hadn't thought that it would be better to go home before, but since she thought about it, she couldn't bear it any longer, and wished she could fly back, because she absolutely had no patience to wait until the next holiday.

"I'll take Weiyu to Songhetang in a while, and Luohua will take Tan's mother and a few to walk around the street. Which store is open, which one to go to, whether it's cakes or cloth, or jewelry head, ginseng and ganoderma, everything Buy some things that can be given away.”

Luo Hua and Wei Yu opened their mouths in astonishment, they had never heard of such shopping.

"Well, I have to come back before Chenzheng, so I can buy as much as I can."

"By the way, go to the car shop to rent a carriage, and wait outside the side door every hour and five quarters."

After such an arrangement, He Xiner counted the time on her fingers, and found that she would feel blocked after staying at home for less than an hour.

At this time, Xiao Yu was combing her hair and combing her hair, and asked her opinion, but she didn't have much thought about it, she just let her figure it out.

Wei Yu neatly combed her hair into a bun and wore two bright beaded flowers. He Xiner, who was full of thoughts, immediately regained her spirits, "Luo Hua, use the new set of jewelry and hairpieces that Gongzhong bought on her head." Put it in a brocade box, and then find a similar set, and put it in a brocade box."

Luo Hua hurriedly responded, but Wei Yu asked hesitantly, "Miss, do you want to...?"

Why does she feel that Miss is going to run away?


Absolutely impossible.


Regarding Wei Yu's question, He Xiner didn't plan to hide it, mainly because she couldn't hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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