The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1784 How comfortable it was then

Chapter 1784 How comfortable it was then
The carriages of the He Mansion were all equipped with shock absorbers, but they couldn't hold up to the speed of the carriages, even if the official road was smooth, they still bumped violently.

He Xiner thought to herself, thanks to her not in the mood to sleep, otherwise she wouldn't know when she fell to the ground.

Her mind is full of her father and mother, as well as her cousin and all the people she likes, grinning for a while, and frowning for a while, so she doesn't have the heart to look at the scenery outside, and the old Ye's family. When the mule cart passed by, he didn't notice it at all.

Ye Mancang was driving the car, and Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were also traveling with her. They really missed He Xiner and looked forward to seeing her.

For this reason, the two rushed forward and rushed forward. The pink panther doll is easy to talk about, mainly wild fruits. This year is another bumper harvest. It feels like they can’t finish picking every day, but the two are very busy. I have to take care of it every day, and I have never been idle for a day.

In order to be able to follow the car into the city today, the two brothers Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were specially asked to stop for a day and did not go back to pick fresh fruits.

And the Ye Mancang brothers are even more busy to become spinning tops. The bellflowers on the entire hillside are enough for their brothers to be busy until the snow closes the mountain. Before the workshop was mainly monosodium glutamate and monosodium glutamate. The manpower is sufficient, and their brothers can only help out when they have time.

But since they started the spicy sauce business, their brothers have become the main force. They could spare a day to go up the mountain. After Taifeng upstairs went to the spicy hot pot, they no longer had any free time and were reluctant to give up. For the interest payment, he had to hand over the orange terrier to other people, the four Ye Zutian brothers.

That is to say, the entire Ye Dayou family, except for the old Yuan, everyone else is not idle, even the bride Zeng has to take care of the bean sprouts every day, and the little girls Ye Hexiu and Ye Huilan have also become regular workers in the workshop. He took his wages and went to work every day.

Oh, Ye Dayou is the same as Ye Dahe, he is not willing to buy and sell garlic, so he can only guard the vegetable garden silently by himself.

And the old Yuan Shi was so tired that he had to cook for the whole family.

The people in the village are envious, it's the slack season, there is plenty of time, who doesn't want to earn some money?
But they don't have so many ways, they can only watch Ye Dayou and Ye Dahe's family earn a lot of money in full swing.

It is said that Ye Mancang came to the county to buy peppers. There are five or six kinds of peppers needed for spicy sauce. There are not so many kinds of spices in Pingning Town, so he can only buy them in the county.

Even Guan Xiuyuan, who was going to Fucheng to deliver goods today, also wanted to buy peppers in Fucheng, and took some of them with him in the car, and let the Piao Bureau's convoy take the rest.

It is really that the amount of chili used is too large, and if there are not enough raw materials, I am afraid that the supply will not be available.

This time, Ye Mancang is not only buying raw materials, but also signing a contract with the merchant to deliver goods to Yejia Village, Pingning Town at a fixed time.

This kind of matter should be Guan Xiuyuan's, but he is the busiest, and there are too many things to do, so he had to hand over this matter to Ye Mancang.

Just imagine that even Ye Xusheng, who is studying in the county, is not idle anymore, and the others are naturally even more busy.

Even Guan Mingwei was also assigned by Guan Xiuyuan to deliver goods to the nearby Changning Town.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were excited all the way, especially Wang Jinling, his little face was flushed with excitement, his eyes were shining, and his little mouth was chattering, almost never stopping.

Ye Yuanyuan's mood was also very disturbed.

During this period of time, she not only thought of Xin'er, but also Cuizhi. Every time she thought about the time when the three of them were together in the past, her heart would feel uncomfortable.

Cuizhi was almost killed by bad guys, and Aunt Liu was unconscious. She must be sad because she was alone by her side, and she didn't know when Aunt Liu would recover and when Cuizhi would come back.

And Xin'er has completely become a child of someone else's family, and will not return to Yejia Village. In the coming year, their family will move to the county town, and they can see each other every day, but she will not be too free in the end, and she will always have an extra share constraint.

Moreover, it is very difficult for them to have the opportunity to go to the mountains to pick fruits, hunt, and play together. How comfortable they were at that time~
(End of this chapter)

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