Chapter 1785 here we come
Ye Yuanyuan took care of the orchids of the three of them every day, silently missed her good friend, and looked forward to seeing each other again.

So she thought that Cuizhi might be able to come back at the end of the year, and then after the New Year, everyone moved to the county together and could be together again.

Although we can't go to the mountains, but we can go shopping together, and we will be very happy.

Thinking of this, her mood is getting better and better.

Finally entering the city, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling hung up the curtains and looked outside curiously. There were row upon row of shops on both sides of the street, all kinds of brightly colored shops fluttering in the wind. Pedestrians crowded shoulder to shoulder, and vendors shouted one after another.

The mule cart was moving very slowly, Ye Mancang frowned anxiously.

"Sister Yuanyuan, the county town is really lively."

"Well, much more than the people in the town."

Ye Yuan smiled, and Wang Jinling smiled.

Xiner, here we come.

Ye Mancang drove the mule cart straight to Dingfuju.

When Ye Xusheng returned to the village before, he mentioned that He Xiner met He Xiner through the young master He Jiaheng, and did not go directly to He's mansion.

So Ye Mancang also came to He Jiaheng for help.

It's not that he didn't dare to enter He's house, but mainly because he was afraid of causing trouble to He Xin'er's sister.

Outsiders don't know what Lao Ye's family is like, they just think of it as a poor family in the countryside, and they don't care if they run on them because they come to fight the autumn wind, but Sister Xin'er must get a little angry.

Therefore, they worked hard to earn money, and sooner or later, the old Ye family would be on an equal footing with the He family. At that time, no matter how close Sister Xin'er was with the old Ye family, she would not be afraid of people talking about it.

Back then, sister Xin'er agreed to go back to the He family because she was kind-hearted and made room for that kid, but her heart will always be in Lao Ye's house.

The He family had better be sensible, and don't make the wrong idea.

The relationship of more than ten years, how can it be broken at will?

It is said that the love of nurturing is greater than the sky. The second uncle and the second aunt regard sister Xin'er as eye-catching, and they love their children with love. The world can learn from them. How could he, the He family, cut them off whenever they wanted.

In this regard, Ye Mancang is full of confidence.

So he entered Dingfuju with great momentum, directly saying that he wanted to see the Young Master's family.

When He Jiaheng saw him for the first time, he felt that this person should not be underestimated. He was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and a broad body, and he had a tough temperament. In addition, he had regular facial features, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and bright and sharp eyes, which made him even more majestic. Vigorous and extraordinary.

He Jiaheng, who was gentle, steady and introverted, secretly admired in his heart that all the boys in Lao Ye's family were extraordinary.

"Hi Brother He Family."

"Hi Brother He Family."

Ye Mancang only had time to declare his identity, but he didn't explain why he came. Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling interrupted their conversation impatiently.

He Jiaheng turned his head to look, and suddenly felt his eyes light up.

The 14-year-old girl is slim and graceful, like a crabapple flower known as a fairy among flowers, beautiful and not vulgar.

Ye Yuanyuan's facial features are exquisite, bright and charming, and there is a heroic spirit between her brows, which makes her full of energy and free and easy.

The more you look at it, the more it looks like a flowery and unrestrained crabapple flower.

He Jiaheng, who has always been calm and steady, advancing and retreating gracefully, was a little distracted.

Wang Jinling was in a hurry, she puffed her face and shouted again, "Brother He Family!"

He Jiaheng's brain cleared instantly, and he smiled gently, "I don't know, Fourth Sister has such a cute little sister."

Really cute.

The little girl looks like a lucky baby, yes, if it's not because of unfamiliarity, he would want to pinch her little bun face.

Definitely soft.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

If there is such a lovely daughter, he will definitely be pampered.

Just thinking about Jiang Shi, his eyes darkened.

But subconsciously, she glanced at Ye Yuanyuan again. Her face was also round, but she was much thinner than the little girl's.

(End of this chapter)

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