Chapter 1790 Will Coax People
Mrs. Cao immediately went to prepare meals, only then did He Xiner realize that He Jiajie hadn't come in yet, but she didn't care about him, so she greeted Ye Shitian sweetly, who came out to meet her, and talked to Ye Mantun "Second cousin, please help me get the things on the carriage."

"Okay, no problem."

The Ye Mantun brothers didn't answer, they responded readily, and walked out of the yard in unison. .

"Go, go see your mother, see you come back, maybe you will like it."

Bai's affectionately held He Xin'er's hand, she was so happy that she couldn't see her teeth, "It's been a while since I saw you, Xin girl is getting more and more beautiful."

He Xiner smiled brightly, "Auntie is getting more and more beautiful."

Pleased by her words, Bai couldn't stop laughing, and pinched her little face affectionately, "I can coax people..."

Ye Laiyin wiped the corners of her eyes quietly, but she didn't care to accompany her daughter, so she turned around decisively and went to the bathroom.

The child's mother is pregnant, so she can't smell messy smells, and his sweet-smelling baby girl can't be contaminated with oily smoke, otherwise, what if people make fun of them when they go back.

Just at this moment, Mrs. Wang, with loose hair in a bun, came out in a hurry wearing only a thin jacket and shoes, "Xin'er, Xin'er..."

Her eyes were red, she cried eagerly, she didn't look surprised at all, on the contrary, she seemed to be frightened, with a hint of uncertainty and disbelief.

Being pregnant, her nerves became sensitive and fragile, and she often couldn't sleep well at night. She missed her precious daughter and was afraid that she would be bullied in the He Mansion. Just thinking about her child being wronged outside made her heart ache.

Under this mood, the quality of sleep is even worse.

Sleeping at noon is actually better than sleeping at night, otherwise I am afraid that my spirit has passed early.

Just now, she heard people talking outside in her sleep, before she woke up, she got off the kang top-heavy and ran out with her shoes on.

Suddenly seeing the beautiful and attractive girl, she felt like she was dreaming, until the soft and soft girl threw herself into her arms, she could not believe it was real, she was surprised and delighted at once.

"Xin'er, are you really back?"

"Mom, it's really me."

He Xiner burst into tears again. She carefully avoided Wang's abdomen, lay on her mother's shoulder affectionately and clingingly, and began to cry. Wang's tears fell like the broken beads. When I fell down, I felt that my heart was about to be crushed.

Seeing Bai Shi also burst into tears.

"Tell mother quickly, did the He family bully you?"

Although Ye Xusheng has said that He Xiner is very good many times, how can the Wang family really rest assured that a family like He's mansion fights fiercely in the back house, and her precious daughter is pure and kind, and she fell out of the wolf's den with a little white rabbit. Yes, there may be many grievances.

Especially the fact that she grew up in the countryside, she will definitely be ridiculed and run on. At such a young age, it is very uncomfortable for her to face those vicious words alone.

The more Wang thought about it, the more distressed she felt, as if she saw someone embarrassing her baby with her own eyes.

"Mother, don't worry, Dabai is here, whoever doesn't have eyes would dare to bully me."

He Xiner was still sobbing, her voice was very nasal.

Wang's voice is the same as hers, her voice has changed. The person who is usually quiet and graceful, who never speaks loudly, suddenly becomes ruthless, turns to look at Dabai who is staring at her with bright eyes, with a deep nasal voice. Said, "Dabai, you have to remember, whoever dares to provoke Xin'er, you can yell at him and scare him to death!"

He Xiner...

Suddenly want to laugh, what's going on?

He Jiajie who came in with Brother Ye Mantun...

Why did he feel the cold swishing on his back?

He rubbed his nose and tried hard to think if he had ever bullied his fourth sister.

It seems, there seems to be no, except for the threat to buy Dabai, there really is no.

(End of this chapter)

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