Chapter 1791 You Are Guilty
Ye Mantun squinted at He Jiajie, and said lightly, "What? Are you guilty?"

He Jiajie seemed to have his tail burned by someone, he jumped up with a groan and shouted, "This big brother must not wrong a good man!"

Wang Shi, Bai Shi, and He Xin'er all turned their heads to look over, and He Jiajie immediately forced a smile all over his face, "Fourth sister, don't you want to introduce me?"

"Mother, Auntie, this is my fourth brother He Jiajie."

"Hello, Auntie Ye..."

He Jiajie is quite discerning, he knew at a glance that Mrs. Wang is younger than his mother, "Hello, Aunt Ye."

Ye Mantun and his brothers looked at each other, but they didn't care about him any more, they did what they should do.

Probably never expected that the boy from the He family would come, and Wang Shi and Bai Shi met each other's eyes in surprise.

Wang's eyes were red, her hair was loose in a bun, and she felt that she was not good at meeting people, so she said gently, "Please accompany Xiner for a walk."

Then, with the support of He Xiner, she went back to the dormitory to wash and change clothes.

The Bai family invited He Jiajie to the dining room.

The newly built dining room and kitchen are relatively spacious, and the dining room is separated into a small living room with a partition. Inside, there are tables and chairs, a copper stove for boiling water, and utensils for making tea.

Bai Shi arranged for Ye Mangui to accompany her, then turned around and went to the upper room.

He Jiajie watched Ye Mangui skillfully boil water and make tea calmly, glanced at the set of exquisite blue and white porcelain teacups, and blinked lightly.

This is the home where the four younger sisters grew up.

The small and exquisite fish pond, the simple and simple gazebo, the garden full of chrysanthemums, and a golden osmanthus tree are not like ordinary farmhouses.

And the nine cousins ​​were all busy, each with a large bowl of chili noodles, and the strong spicy smell from the kitchen next door, all reminding him that Lao Ye's family is indeed not simple.

No wonder he can raise a big psychic dog like Dabai.

No wonder the fourth sister can cultivate such a good temperament.

The whole He family underestimated Lao Ye's family and fourth younger sister.

He curled up his lips, thinking with a little displeasure, he really took advantage of that kid He Jiaming, and thought that he would suffer when he returned to the countryside. .

After cleansing and changing clothes, Ye Laiyin was refreshed and radiant. Of course he was happy when his baby girl came back. A man in his 30s smiled like a child, but when he heard about He Jiajie, he immediately turned black, "What? The He family is afraid that you will fail if you run away, so they need someone to supervise you?"

At this time, the mother and daughter Wang and He Xin'er have all recovered from that strength, and they no longer shed tears, only full of joy, and they all smiled brightly.

There are also Mrs. Bai and Ye Shitian, Ye Mantun brothers, all of them are happy and laugh happily from time to time.

Hearing what Ye Laiyin said at first, Ye Mantun and Ye Manliang also changed their faces instantly, but they didn't make any fuss, they just looked at He Xiner in unison.

He Xiner didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Father misunderstood, fourth brother is very kind to me, this time he offered to accompany me when I came back this time, well,..."

She pointed at the two large wooden boxes in the hall with her slender fingers, and said, "The one below is a gift prepared by him, and it's all made of cloth, but I didn't have time to look at it, so I guess it's not bad."

Ye Shitian smiled and said, "Give me a look at that kid, he looks like a well-behaved boy, otherwise he wouldn't have run this trip with girl Xin."

Only then did Ye Laiyin feel relieved, and Mrs. Wang also smiled again.

He Xiner was secretly funny, that person had nothing to do with being cute.

When it came to presents, her heart moved, and she said, "I came back in a hurry today. I didn't prepare for it before. I sent people to buy these things on the street early in the morning, and I didn't organize them properly. I just took them in such a mess." return."

"I didn't take a closer look to see if there are any suitable items for my grandfather, or should I choose a few pieces of cloth that my fourth brother brought that are suitable for my grandfather, and send them to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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