The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1825 It's Good to Make Money

Chapter 1825 It's Good to Make Money

He Xiner was speechless.

There are so many scenes one by one.

She wasn't in the mood for cold wind.

So, she ignored the other party, ignored him completely, took Xiao Yu and Dabai to the direction of Qingxin Youju, and left on her own.

With Dabai by her side, He Qier didn't dare to get too close, she was a few steps behind her, and in the end she was left behind without even giving her a look.

This is when she doesn't exist!

He Qier was so angry that she couldn't breathe smoothly, she wanted to chase after her and point at her nose and yell at her to relieve her anger, but she didn't dare.

Who told Dabai to follow He Xiner every step of the way?

How dare she dare to curse in front of Dabai?

So she became even angrier.

It's unreasonable for a dead girl to be unscrupulous just because she has a big dog. She doesn't take her sister seriously.

He Qier's face was ashen, and she stomped her feet bitterly. The more she thought about it, the more angry she would be, and she couldn't stand outside and swear. Even though she yelled and cursed like that, the anger in her heart might dissipate a lot, but she couldn't afford to lose that person.

Finally, in desperation, He Qier stomped her feet again, and then went to find He Chuer.

"Luo Hua, sort out last month's accounts and show them to me later."

He Xin'er was not in a hurry to leave the mansion, but the eldest brother said that he would go to the gate of the city early in the morning to wait and see. In case Uncle Guan and Second Cousin Mantun could come, he would accompany him to the mansion.

Wait until noon to see if the eldest brother is at home. It's still early, so don't worry.

Isn't it the end of October? She wanted to see how much hot and spicy sauce Dingfuju could use up for a whole month, so she could calculate the family's business.

Before entering October, the weather has turned cold. Since entering October, it has been so cold that ice slag will fall off every day. Yes, it can freeze people's ears.

Such a severe cold weather is suitable for eating hot pot, and Ding Fuju's spicy hot pot is the only one in the county, so the business is naturally booming, and her sauces are selling well.

She used up more than 100 jars in a month, and her monthly income was more than 1000 taels of silver!
He Xiner grinned happily.

She has more than 1000 taels here, and at least 3000 taels for her family business.

Taifeng Building in Pingning Town and Zuixiangju in Fucheng are the two most important customers. She doesn't know which other restaurants have cooperative relations with them. This number is just a conservative estimate by her.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that the spicy sauce sold at home is not as expensive as hers. A jar of ten catties of sauce costs five taels.

It's a full half cheaper than her price.

The price is set by the four major shareholders. They feel that the profit of five taels of silver is already high enough, and they feel guilty if it is higher.

After all, eating is not a one-shot deal like a doll.

This is a long-term business with customers, and they really dare not ask too much.

As a result, the number of customers who went out was several times higher than that of He Xiner, but the sales volume was not several times higher.

Regarding the family's business, He Xiner only gave advice and did not intervene.

As for her business, her family didn't care about it, and she didn't feel how uneconomical it was to give up a restaurant in the entire county for only one family.

He Xiner thought, the elders and her father are not fussy, so they get along so well.

very nice.

It's good to earn money.

It's great to have such a considerate and open-minded elder.

He Xiner smiled happily.

The only reason she wanted to do it herself was because she felt that it would be a waste of manpower for the maid around her to be idle, so she might as well do something to earn some money, and it would be useless to spend time with her.

I don't dare to say that I give them too much, at least I can save some private money, and if something happens, I won't be embarrassed.

The other is that she likes this feeling. Holding the ledger and looking at the numbers on it gives her a sense of accomplishment.

(End of this chapter)

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