Chapter 1826 Choose slowly

After earning money, it is natural to reward those who work hard.

"Everyone has worked hard for a month, and they should be rewarded in front of them."

He Xiner was reclining on the imperial concubine's couch, Dabai was lying on the thick woolen blanket under her feet, and the little white fluffy cat also took a seat, but she didn't dare to get too close to it.

Weicun sits on the embroidered pier doing needlework, all of which are her young lady's personal clothing.

Luo Hua held a cloak and smoked on the incense burner.

The whole room is full of rich and mellow floral fragrance, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Although the temperature outside is low, the sun is shining brightly and warmly through the window screens into the room.

The imperial concubine's couch was right by the window, and He Xiner was bathed in the warm winter sun, feeling comfortable all over her body.

Oh, it's nice to bask in the sun, but it's a little sleepy.

She covered her mouth with her hand, yawned coquettishly, and then stretched comfortably, "There's no need to call people to me, I'm all busy in the kitchen, it's steaming inside, just in case I'm watching the stove It’s not good to be sweating and face the cold wind.”

"Miss is also considerate, whoever is a servant is not on call, and some masters will worry about whether she can stand the cool breeze."

He Xiner smiled, "You can't say that, people's hearts are fleshy, no matter what your status is, if you stay together for a long time, how can you be so indifferent?"

Luo Hua and Wei Yu glanced at each other and both laughed, but they didn't say anything.

Of course there are cold and heartless masters, but with the kindness of her young lady, it's unimaginable.

And it was their fate that they met such a kind master.

"It will be less windy later, let's go shopping and buy some jewelry and gifts for rewards. Then we will go to Hefeng Building to book a table."

Luo Hua and Wei Yu didn't stop them this time, the numbers on the account were there, the lady was not short of a small amount of money, so why did they stop them?

The lady is generous, the big guys are more motivated to work, aren't they?

"Let's put reward silver first. Mama Tan, Mama Chai, and Mama Chi, ten taels each, Xiaoju, Xiaoxing, Xiaotao, and Xiaoli, five taels each, and the two of you, eight taels each."

Luo Hua and Wei Yu thanked each other with a smile, then put down their work and took the money to reward.

In the whole Qingxin secluded residence, everyone from top to bottom is beaming, and they are so happy that they can't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Letting go of the reward, taking advantage of the calm weather and the sunny weather, He Xiner left He's mansion with two maids and Dabai.

In fact, when it comes to shopping alone, she doesn't need to show up. In addition, there is a thick layer of snow on the bluestone brick road, which is slippery and very difficult to walk on.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu were really afraid that she would fall, so they followed closely behind.

"The snow on this road has begun to melt, and there are puddles everywhere, and there are also frozen places. It is really difficult to walk. Miss, I will wait here, and I will call a carriage to pick us up when I go home."

Luo Hua was afraid that the snow on the road would stain her young lady's clothes, shoes and socks, so she suggested using a carriage instead.

He Xiner shook her head and said with a smile, "It's only a quarter of an hour's journey. It's not worth using a carriage. When someone fastens the carriage and drives over, we'll be on Qingque Street."

Seeing her persistence, Luo Hua had no choice but to give up.

Just like what He Xiner said, He's mansion is not far from Qingque Street. Hearing all kinds of cries along the way, the three masters and servants walked around happily with Dabai.

Every time He Xiner went to a store, she looked at the goods very carefully, but she never found a suitable gift.

The old lady's [-]th birthday is a big event in the mansion, and many relatives and friends will definitely come. If someone makes a fuss on purpose to see her congratulatory gift, hehe, she can't lose her reputation too much, can she?

You have to buy something decent and something you can take out.

It's a pity that none of them are eye-catching.

There's still half a month left, so don't worry, just pick and choose slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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