The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1836: It's Okay for Zhang Family

Chapter 1836 You Can Go Home

He Xin'er nestled in Ye Xusheng's warm embrace, with the refreshing fragrance of Su He lingering around her nose, the sleepy sleeper subconsciously arched her head, found a comfortable position, and even kissed a little milk cat Rubbed.

Rubbing Ye Xusheng's heart softer, with a gentle curve on the corner of his lips, he lowered his head and kissed her brow lightly.

"Big brother, what time is it?"

The little milk cat spoke softly, and even yawned coquettishly.

"The time is right."

It's still very early, He Xiner thought in a daze, she really admires the perseverance of the eldest brother, he can wake up at the right time every day, and he can leave the warm nest without hesitating. so amazing.

On a cold day, she really didn't want to get up.

Even if it is an hour later than the lobby brother, it is still dark, I am really fed up, I really want to sleep late——

When she was at home, she and her cousin would not sleep until dawn one day, how comfortable it was at that time~
By the way, go home!
Thinking of the business, He Xiner's brain immediately cleared up. She opened it suddenly, her black and white eyes were shining brightly in the drowsy tent, looking at the person in front of her with dependence and nostalgia.

Seeing Ye Xusheng felt sweet in his heart.

"Why don't you sleep anymore?"

His voice was unbelievably soft, as if he was afraid that he would frighten her if he made it a little louder, it was as soft as water.

"Looking at the brilliant stars last night, I thought that today must be a sunny day, and tomorrow should be the same. It just so happens that Xiu Mu has time and can go home."

"Well, big brother is with you."

He Xiner smiled, "My elder brother promised to accompany me, so he will definitely send me a message today."

He Jiaheng is seven years older than her, and has a calm temperament. He has always been gentle and gentle. In her opinion, he looks like a big brother, and she doesn't think that the other party will have any plans.

But you know, the spicy sauce is made in her yard, if he really wanted to come up with the secret recipe, why would he go far away and accompany her to Yejiacun?

But in Ye Xusheng's view, He Jiaheng is not a stingy He Jiajie, he does things without rules, and even if he loves Xin'er, how can he be sincere?

They weren't born to the same mother, and they didn't grow up together, so there is a deep brother-sister relationship, but it's just a face-saving relationship.

And what he's doing now is a little strange.

Why on earth did he run to Yejia Village so actively?
Ye Xusheng pondered for a while and said, "If Xin'er feels that she can't escape, then she should."

"Okay, let's go together then."

"Yeah, big brother is the best."

He Xiner raised her small face and smiled at him.

Ye Xusheng's heart skipped a beat, "Good girl, say it again."

"Big brother is the best..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were blocked, and then a passionate long kiss...


He Xiner was not mistaken, today is still a sunny day, and her mood is just like this weather, very good.After sitting patiently in the school for a day, and finally waiting for the teacher to leave get out of class, I was so excited that I wanted to jump up and cheer and shout, but in front of the teacher, I had to keep my face calm.

After leaving Ruyi Garden with Li Yu and Dabai, she became impatient, her feet were like the wind, and she walked fast.

"Miss, don't worry, be careful under your feet."

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the glazed lanterns had been lit in the mansion. In the howling north wind, clusters of orange-red halos swayed, and through the wintersweet branches by the roadside, scattered light and shadow all over the ground.

Wei Yu watched her young lady rushing all the way, she was really afraid that she would accidentally fall down.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm watching the road."

He Xiner responded casually, the speed of her feet did not decrease at all, and Wei Yu had no choice but to keep up quickly.

Dabai always followed He Xiner's side without rushing, he was fast when she was fast, and slow when she was slow, very well-behaved.

Before the two of them and the dog returned to Qingxin Youju, they heard the squawking of the big white goose.

"It must be the young master's person."

(End of this chapter)

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