The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1837 I forgot as soon as I was happy

Chapter 1837 I forgot as soon as I was happy
As expected, he belonged to He Jiaheng.

The boy next to him, Chuyi, came to tell He Xiner that the carriage had already been arranged, so she didn't need to bother.

He Xiner said she knew, and asked Wei Yu to hand him a purse as a reward.

In the first day of junior high school, he came to Qingxin Youju almost every day, and he was rewarded for the first time, and the purse was not light, which made him grin happily.

I hurriedly thanked him, and happily went back to my life.

Luo Hua hugged the kitten as a hand warmer, and had been waiting for her young lady. Seeing that the first day of the new year was far away, she curled her lips and said with a little distaste, "Look at the stupid way he smiled, it's still the red girl in front of the young master." As for people, it seems that they have never seen silver, tsk, tsk..."

What she said actually made He Xiner laugh. She stretched out her hand to gently pinch her little bun's face, and said angrily, "Of course I'm happy if I have money, but why don't you make people cry? You're just picking on it!"

"Hehe, what the lady said makes sense. If he thinks about it, he won't even smile when he gets the reward, it seems wrong."

"From now on, Miss Luo Hua won't pick on others anymore."

"Yeah, the maidservant took note."

Wei Yu pursed her lips and smiled slightly, the young lady treated everyone with kindness, no matter what the status of the other party was, she treated them equally.

It is really a blessing to be able to follow such a master.

The master and servant entered the room laughing and laughing, and He Xiner couldn't hold back her excitement, so she opened the big wooden box and checked to make sure there was nothing missing, and then she went to eat with peace of mind.

After the meal, he didn't need anyone to follow him, he took Dabai and wandered around the yard for a long time, looking at the sky full of stars, his mood was so beautiful that it was bubbling.

In the end, he went back to take a bath and wash up under the persuasion of several maidservants.

When Ye Xusheng arrived, He Xiner was still excited and didn't feel sleepy. Hearing the sound of the wooden door, she happily jumped off the bed and trotted up to meet her.

"Big brother, I'm so happy, tomorrow will definitely be a sunny day..."


The glazed lamps in the corridor exude a soft halo, hitting the doors and windows, making the whole room hazy.

The girl with picturesque features rushed towards him like a happy butterfly. Ye Xusheng was so emotional that he subconsciously hugged her into his arms. Then his expression changed slightly when he thought of something, he hugged her horizontally, and hurried to the dormitory .

Gently putting the person on the bed, he reprimanded softly, "If you run around without shoes, what should you do if you catch a cold?"

He Xiner rubbed her nose embarrassingly, "I forgot about it as soon as I was happy."

"Second sister looks more and more like a child~"

Ye Xusheng smiled softly, lightly pecked her forehead, got up and took the kettle to pour some hot water into the washbasin, took out his brocade handkerchief and wet it back.

He Xiner blushed, "The ground is very clean..."

She intended to say that the ground was clean and dust-free, and her feet were not dirty at all, but before she finished speaking, Ye Xusheng had already taken her feet in his hands and began to wipe them carefully.

The window of the dormitory was blocked by her with something, but she didn't dare to make it too bright. There was only one candle burning, and the flame the size of a chrysanthemum bean flickered gently, emitting a weak light-colored light in the spacious dormitory.

The little girl's feet were as white and tender as jade, delicate and smooth. Ye Xusheng held them in his palm like a treasure, with gentle and pious eyes.

The tenderness in his eyes almost turned into substance, like spring water pouring down, trying to envelop her softly.

He Xiner stared at him obsessively, and felt that the hall brother under the hazy light was even more handsome, and he was so gentle, his heroic sword eyebrows became warm, and his eyes seemed to be full of love. The stars and the sea are shining brightly and shining brightly.

He was like a dazzling ray of light, shining all the way to the bottom of her heart.

Bang, bang, bang...

Her heart beat out of control and nearly jumped out of her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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