The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 185 This Cow Is Really Not Bad

Chapter 185 This Cow Is Really Not Bad
Lao Ye's family has a total of ten acres of good land, all of which are planted with corn, and two acres of second-class land are planted with soybeans.

The harvest of soybeans is low, and they are basically not sold. When the harvest is good, there is no soybeans to eat, and they are used to feed pigs.When the harvest is not good and there is not enough food, soybeans are mixed with corn to eat.

This year, the weather is good and the harvest in the field is good, and the corn harvested is more than 1000 catties more than in previous years.

The corn production capacity of the later generations reached [-] catties per mu. At the peak of this era, it was only [-] to [-] catties. The harvest of Lao Ye's family this year was better than previous years, and they only got close to [-] catties.

Keep enough rations, and sell the extra three thousand catties.

Don't look at the three thousand catties of corn, but it can't be sold for much money. Because of the bumper harvest, the grain supply is sufficient, and the grain store is not short of grain, so the price is extremely low.

It is said that Ye Laiyin did not dare to delay his time. He strode forward with big strides, and arrived in the town in less than half an hour. He negotiated the price with the renter of the ox cart. Pull food at the price of a copper plate.

This price is usually not enough to pull people, but a total of [-] catties of grain is too heavy, and the cattle are also struggling. It took a while for my tongue to grind down.

After agreeing on the price, without taking a break, Ye Laiyin jumped into the bullock cart and urged to leave quickly.

The man who drove the cattle was a relatively old man. Seeing that he was in a hurry, he couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the hurry? It's still early in the day, hurry up."

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Ye Laiyin said with a smile, "Don't make fun of me when you're always there. Let's not worry about it being late. If you finish these two trips early, you can go home earlier and rest."

The old man smiled: "Okay, let's go"

After finishing speaking, he raised the whip in his hand and made a crisp sound, but he was unwilling to hit the cow. He shook the leading rope, and the cow started to walk.

Seeing Ye Laiyin envious, "This cow is really not bad"

The old man was full of pride, "That is, I have fed this cow very carefully. Look at its smooth fur and strong bones, how beautiful it is!"

Ye Laiyin chuckled: "It's not bad? I don't know, but you are always praising people!"

"Hahahaha, this is my old buddy, just like my wife, in my eyes it just looks good"

The old man smiled heartily.

"Well, I see it"

Ye Laiyin nodded, and said, "If I had a cow, I would raise it carefully."

The old man also nodded, "This cow is not cheap, and the farmer's family can't afford it!"

"Who said not to come."

The two were chatting, and they walked to the entrance of the village without knowing it. When they entered Yejia Village, they saw a lot of people surrounded by the big locust tree.

Ye Laiyin smiled and agreed, "Well, let's sell the grain as soon as the weather is good."

Hearing what he said, the people under the tree also talked about it.

"Speaking of this year's bumper harvest, my family also has surplus grain, so we should sell some."

“I just don’t know how the price of food is going to be”

"I just hope that the corn can be exchanged for some silver to survive the winter. If I don't sell it now, I'm afraid it will be cold, and the price of the grain store will be lower."

"Yeah, the family is waiting to use the silver, and they have to clean up everywhere, so don't worry about changing it to silver."

"Who said it wasn't coming? The roof of the house needs to be repaired before the weather gets cold, otherwise we won't be able to survive the winter. It costs money to repair the roof, so I hope the corn can be sold for a good price."

"There is another child in the family, and there are not enough quilts for the winter, and I hope to exchange some money to buy cotton"

"What if the price is low now and the price is high in winter?"

"The people who run the store are very smart. Those who still sell grain in the winter are designated to wait for money urgently. I'm afraid the price will be lowered."

Several people murmured for a long time, and those who could not make up their minds hesitated even more.

Ye Dahai was sitting under the tree, silently smoking his pipe.

The eldest brother’s house only sells food now, but before that, it was chickens and rabbits, so it’s really worth it!And with such a generous purchase, how much money does he have in his hand?

(End of this chapter)

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