The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 186 The Old Man Drinks a Bowl of Water

Chapter 186 The Old Man Drinks a Bowl of Water
When the ox cart arrived at the door of Lao Ye's house, Ye Laiyin asked the old man to stop the cattle, "Old man, do you want to come in for a drink?"

"No, I'll wait at the door, you guys hurry up and load the car"

"You keep waiting"

Ye Laijin in the yard heard the movement, and stepped forward to meet him, "Has the bullock cart arrived?"


It was not easy to move several thousand catties of grain, and the old Ye Tou also came out of the main room, ordering everyone at home to come out to help, Ye Xusheng went to school, Ye Feifeng was not at home to fight pigweed.

It is said that they are family members, that is, the old couple and Wang's wife helped Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin brothers, oh, there is also Ye Guihua at home, but no one is there, hiding in the house!
Although old Qian hadn't done field work for many years, his strength was not small. He and Lao Yetou moved a sack of corn as if they were playing, neither blushing nor out of breath.

Seeing He Xiner click her tongue, the old lady can do it!

This body is really strong, looking at her hands are black and thin, but she can carry the sack without any effort, or why the second grandma never took advantage of her?

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was about to move the sack, He Xiner came to her senses and hurried forward, "Mother, I will move with you."

"You can't do it, be careful and bend your waist"

Seeing her drastic and aggressive attitude, Mrs. Wang was taken aback, "Mother, I don't need you here."

"Mother can't do it alone, this bag looks heavy!"

Just as they were talking, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin moved back, and Ye Laiyin came to Wang's side in a few strides, "Xin'er is right, you can't move."

That is to say, but her father-in-law and mother-in-law are all carrying sacks, so she can't just watch from the sidelines?

She can't do it alone, but she is also reluctant to let her daughter do heavy work, which is a dilemma.

Ye Laijin and his brothers grabbed the sacks again and wanted to leave. Ye Laiyin turned around and said, "Let Xin'er bring a bowl of water to the old man outside. When Mom and Dad come back, you and Mom will join forces and let Dad rest."

That's a good idea, Mrs. Wang nodded.

So, He Xiner went to the backyard to fetch water, and when the old couple came back, Wang hurriedly said, "Dad, rest, I will move with mother."

Old Yetou felt relieved after hearing these words, "Well, be careful."

But old Qian was angry, "Where is the second girl?"

Fearing that her mother-in-law would scold her daughter, Mrs. Wang said carelessly, "Her father asked her to fetch water for the old man who drove the car."

The old Yetou on the side thought that old Qian was moaning, "Okay, the second girl is too old to do this job, so hurry up and load the car while the sun is early, and I have to go there in the afternoon."

Hmph, this old woman won't see him for a while!
Being choked by Old Man Ye's impatient tone, he wanted to turn his back on him. There were outsiders at the door, so it was not good to make a fuss. Old Qian scolded Wang with a livid face, "It's not easy."

"Oh, good"

As long as her daughter is not allowed to move, Wang's attitude is neither disrespectful nor disrespectful. She grabbed the corner of the sack with both hands, and strode out of the courtyard together with old Qian.

The old Qian, who wanted to find fault, couldn't find fault, and continued to work resentfully.

Old Yetou took out his cigarette pouch and lit it, puffed a few puffs, thinking that the food would be exchanged for silver immediately, he was happy, squinting his eyes and breathing out thick smoke.

He Xiner came out from the backyard with two bowls of water, and called out crisply, "Grandpa, are you tired from work? Drink some water and rest for a while."

Old Yetou heard the words and looked over, met He Xin'er's smiling face, stretched out his right hand to take the bowl without saying a word.

"Grandpa drink slowly, I'll go and deliver water to the old man driving the car."

After He Xiner finished speaking with a smile, she turned and walked out.

He murmured silently in his heart, "Is her lord the face of the iceberg of ten thousand years? I've never seen him smile before!"

Once outside the door, He Xiner's smile became more sincere, "Old man, drink a bowl of water."

The old man who drove the cart was feeling sorry for his cattle, and he was afraid that so much grain would tire his old man.

Suddenly I heard a girl's voice, heard the words and looked over, and saw a very beautiful doll smiling at me with crooked eyebrows, "Oh, this doll looks really good-looking"

(End of this chapter)

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