The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 187 My Eldest Grandson Is Looking Well

Chapter 187 My Eldest Grandson Is Looking Well

When He Xiner heard what the old man blurted out, she was so happy that she almost burst into a devilish laugh, but she was afraid of scaring others, so she kept a low profile, low profile, lowered her head and shook her shoulders before raising her head again, with a harmless smile on her face, "Hey, old man, really will joke"

Seeing that she has a straightforward temperament, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man, "Haha, not only is she good-looking, but her mouth is also a coincidence."

He Xiner was even happier, "Hehe, I'm not as clever as an old man."

"Hahahaha, ouch, it's the first time at my age that someone praises my cleverness!"

After another trip, the two brothers Ye Laijin, who had just come out of the yard, heard the old man's hearty laughter, and made fun of him: "Why is the old man so happy?"

"Oh, I didn't let your girl dolls tease me!"

Ye Laiyin said it very funny: "My girl still has this ability?"

"Is this your girl? Well, follow your cleverness."

Ye Laijin put the sacks on the car and smiled, "How did the old man see that my second brother is smart? People in the village say he is honest?"

"Hmph, I think it's just pretending, this kid is crazy!"

This made the two brothers laugh, and He Xiner followed suit. This old man is so interesting!

When the old man finished drinking the water, He Xiner took the bowl and asked, "Do you want more, old man?"

"I'm not thirsty, don't pour anymore"

"Oh, you have to wait a little longer, it will be ready soon, I will send the bowl back first."

Back in the yard, I took the old Yetou's used bowl and went back to wash it.

While washing the dishes, He Xiner wondered, is it because the old man who drives the car has a lot of experience outside, so he has a bold temper and interesting talk?

Why doesn't her grandfather have that kind of temper?
What's the point of putting on airs and wearing an old face every day at home?
A family of flesh and blood, shouldn't it be affectionate?
I don't understand!

Fifteen sacks of corn were loaded on the ox cart outside the door, which weighed about [-] catties, and the old man shouted, "Okay, no amount of oxen can pull it, and the rest will wait until the next trip.

Ye Laijin wiped the sweat off his brow, and agreed very crisply, "Okay! Listen to your old man!"

The old man grinned and said, "Both of your brothers come up, let's go."

The two of them agreed and got into the car. Just as they were about to leave, they heard He Xiner's voice from inside, "Wait"

The old man pulled the rope leading the ox, and the cow that had just raised its legs stopped obediently again. The old man turned his head and asked, "Do you want to follow, too?"

He Xiner ran out with two bowls of water, "Father, uncle, drink a bowl of water before leaving."

Seeing her daughter running in a hurry, Ye Laiyin hurriedly jumped out of the bullock cart, "What's the rush? It's the same when we come back to drink."

"Hee hee, let's drink some first, it will be poisonous in a while."


Ye Laiyin took a bowl and handed it to the elder brother in the car, and he drank it all by himself, sweating all over, how could he not be thirsty?

Both brothers drank and handed the bowl to He Xiner, Ye Laiyin smiled and said, "Do you want to follow to the town?"

He Xiner's eyes lit up, she thought for a while and shook her head, "Father and uncle have business to do, so I won't follow. Mother and I will cook at home, and father and uncle can cook when they come back."

Ye Laiyin nodded with a smile and got into the car again.

He Xiner waved at the old man driving the car, "Slow down, old man."

"Hehe, let's go"

When the ox cart left Yejia Village, the old man didn't urge him, and let the ox walk slowly on the road, chatting with the two Ye family brothers without saying a word.

Ye Laijin asked, "Is there a lot of people in the old man's family?
Hearing this, a bright light flashed in the old man's eyes, "This old man has four sons, two daughters, eight grandsons, and six granddaughters."

Both brothers praised "the old man's family is really prosperous"

"Hahahaha, our family is also big, there are more than 20 brothers in my generation alone."

“What a big family”

"That's right! To find a husband's family for a daughter, you have to find a family with a big family. There are many brothers and uncles in the family, so you are not afraid of being bullied."

Ye Laiyin was startled when he heard that.

The old man continued to encourage, "If you say that my grandsons are all sensible and filial, especially my eldest grandson is very good-looking!
He is only 14 years old and taller than his father. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a thick head and a thick head. "

(End of this chapter)

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