Chapter 188

Ye Laiyin automatically ignores what is good-looking, what is thick eyebrows and big eyes, what is rare, and there is only tiger head and tiger brain in his mind?Strong as a bull?
Seeing the petite, dainty and delicate appearance of my daughter, I shuddered, and the hairs on my body were about to stand on end!

Shaking his head, he threw out the stupid big guy who was as strong as a cow out of his head...

Ye Laijin on the side looked at the unpredictable expression on his brother's face, and almost couldn't laugh out loud. This old man is too funny, why can't you praise him?
Why are you as strong as a cow?
The old man was still chattering and praising his eldest grandson, Ye Laiyin shrank his arms and said nothing, and Ye Laijin didn't want to be cold to the old man, so he responded politely without mentioning his eldest grandson's faults.

Seeing that the two brothers didn't answer the conversation, the old man was a little disappointed. He liked the little girl very much. She was good-looking and smart, plus she had a straightforward and generous temperament. It would be great to be the eldest daughter-in-law of their parents.

It's just that his father doesn't agree, and he can't force it, right?

When they arrived at the grain store, the two brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were taken aback by the price offered: "In previous years, the price was only a penny. Why did it drop so much this year?"

The waiter in the grain store said unhurriedly: "This year's harvest is good, and there is no shortage of grain, so the price will naturally not go up."

The two Ye Laijin brothers hesitated, looked at each other and could not make up their minds.

Xiaoer had seen a lot, so he didn't try to persuade him, but said: "It's only been a few days since the corn was harvested, and there are only so many people selling grain. After a few days, people from villages far away from the town will also come to sell grain. I'm afraid the price will drop."

The faces of the two brothers were not good-looking, Ye Laiyin asked in a low voice: "Brother, what do you think?"

The grain in the backyard of the grain store is piled up like a mountain, all of which have just been harvested and have not been moved to the warehouse.Ye Laijin pursed his lips, "It's all here, let's sell it."

"Okay, don't worry if you sell it"

After the two brothers discussed it, they began to move the food and watched Xiao Er weigh it.

After finishing the work, I agreed that there would be another car in the afternoon, so I asked the old man to go back to Yejia Village together.

He Xin'er thought about making another trip in the afternoon, and the old man driving the car would have to come home for dinner, besides, her father and uncle were too tired to sell food, so they should cook something delicious.

It was impossible to expect her mother to ask her grandma for something, so she ran into the hall with a smiling face, and said sweetly to old Qian: "Grandma, is the old man driving the car coming back for dinner with daddy and the others?
What kind of meal is good for noon? "

Hearing the voice, Old Qian's face sank, "Isn't there still bone soup, eat it hot, and some pancakes are enough."

Sure enough, pick as always!

Not to mention outsiders, your two sons are very tired after working all morning. It’s not that there is no meat in the house, even if you cut a little bit, it’s a reward for those who work hard. I don’t know what to do with the meat?
"Oh, I wondered if there were outsiders. I didn't know if I wanted to add more food, so I asked."

He Xiner still had a smile on her face, but she just stood there without walking away, her eyes sneaking towards her grandfather.

Old Yetou, who was smoking, squinted his eyes, and said, "Cut the meat you just bought into two slices and stir-fry a meat dish, then add some green vegetables."

Hearing this, Mrs. Qian was very dissatisfied: "The meat is waiting for the third child to go home for the festival."

I go!

Her grandma's heart is in her armpit!

The old woman sang against him again, and Lao Yetou's face darkened a little, "I have another visit in the afternoon, and I'm counting on the boss and the second, how can I work hard if I don't eat something good."

Old Qian's face was startled when he said that, yes, but she took the food in exchange for silver.

After thinking about it, he didn't give He Xiner another look, "Go get the knife"

"Oh, I'm going right now"

He Xiner readily agreed, and ran all the way to the kitchen to get the knife.

Her mother was lighting a fire to boil water, and when she saw her running over, she smiled and said, "Why are you running so fast?"

"My grandma asked me to take a knife and said to cut meat for cooking"

"Okay, but you don't run away with the knife"

"Oh, I see"

Seeing He Xiner hurried away with a knife, Wang smiled.

I didn't expect my mother-in-law to be so generous today, it's really great, my husband can eat meat to replenish his body.

(End of this chapter)

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