Chapter 1853 Bullshit Cousin

At this time, in the Ye family's old house, Lao Ye was drinking the tea that He Xiner made for him, talking and laughing with He Xiner, so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were there, and Xiao Qian was also there with a pair of children. Her eyes flicked around, drifting to He Xiner's fox-fur cloak for a while, and to the brocade box on the table for a while. It was like a cat's paw scratching in her heart, and she was so anxious that she couldn't sit still.

But with Ye Laijin's previous stern warning, she doesn't dare to ask for things too blatantly now.

"Uncle has to be busy with the work of the workshop, so he doesn't have time to take care of the vegetable garden with my grandfather. It's too hard for my grandfather to guard the vegetable garden alone. If you don't want to pay the interest, you might as well hire two people to help with the work, and it won't be necessary." How much silver."

He Xiner didn't dare to mention her father.

She also knew that her father was holding a breath in his heart, and he always wanted to be at peace. The bitterness in it was beyond the comprehension of outsiders, so she would not arbitrarily meddle in the matter of the two of them.

But the old man treated her well, and she did her best.

After hearing this, Lao Yetou felt very caring.

He laughed and said, "I'm still in good shape, and I can't be troubled by the little work. Besides, there is nothing to do in winter, and I am idle. I have something to do, which is better than sleeping on the kang."

He Xiner nodded, "There's nothing else to do right now, just this shed of vegetables is fine. After the New Year, there will be more work in the field, and those acres of leeks have to be taken care of. I'd better hire someone to do it." ,Take it easy."

"Well, just listen to girl Xin."

This was an interesting remark, and both grandpa and grandson laughed.

Wang Jinling hugged the little milk cat to tease Xiao Xuyang, Ye Yuanyuan also came up to him and teased him to talk, probably children are born to like this kind of cute little animals, Xiao Xu's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Cousin, do you like little milk cats?"


"And those two beautiful village peacocks, do you like them? We can play with them every day, are you happy?"


"Xuyang is called Little Milk Cat, Little Milk Cat."


The two of them teased for a long time, but Xiao Xuyang just watched with glowing eyes, but didn't open his mouth.

He Xiner looked over and said with a smile, "Xu Yang is here with my cousin, she will bring you something fun."

Xiao Xuyang, who is two years old and eight months old, is fair and lovely, with exquisite facial features, especially his bright eyes, which are as pure as the clearest mountain spring, without any impurities.

Just look at his eyes, he doesn't look like a child with problems at all.

"Come on, come here by yourself, come to my cousin."

Xiao Xuyang walks later than children of the same age, but he walks very well now, but he doesn't like to move very much.

He Xiner teased him reluctantly, "Cousin has something fun and delicious here. Come and get it!"

She casually picked up a tangerine and waved at Xiao Xuyang, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were also encouraging him, "Xuyang go to Xin'er."

"Sister Xin'er has something delicious, cousin hurry up and get it!"

Lao Yetou looked at the three girls coaxing his little grandson with a face full of relief, feeling in his heart that when girl Xin was at home, it was so lively every day, and now it was only when she came back that it was more lively.

Ye Feifeng stared at the ground with empty eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xiaoqian was full of dissatisfaction with He Xiner, last time he gave the two dead girls Jintou Noodles, and this time he sent the dead girl Shenniao, it was a generous move.

I haven't seen any good things for my home, and I'm still pretending to be a good person here.

Shit cousin!
"By the way, I came back in a hurry last time, and didn't prepare a decent gift for Xuyang..."

Just when Xiao Qian was cursing in his heart, he heard He Xiner talking about gifts, and his triangular eyes immediately widened, staring at He Xiner's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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