The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1854 I will keep it for the fool

Chapter 1854 I will keep it for the fool
He Xiner turned around and took a square brocade box from the table, opened it with a smile, took out a gold collar with a gold lock in both hands, and said, "I see that many children in the county wear long-life locks, I also bought one for Xu Yang, hoping that he will be healthy, safe, and live a long life."

Lao Yetou felt comforted in his heart, saying hello again and again.

Xiaoqian's dry face suddenly turned into a flowery smile, "I know that girl Xin will never forget her family."

He Xiner didn't care what she said, she just smiled lightly at her.

Thinking about the relationship between her and the eldest brother, the mood for this one is simply amazing.

"Xuyang, come here, my cousin will put it on for you."

Xiao Xuyang turned her bright eyes, and finally turned her eyes away from the little milk cat, looking at He Xiner.


He Xiner looked at Lao Yetou happily, "Master, Xu Yang called me."

"Well, he usually doesn't like to talk, but he is a mirror in his heart. Yes, he knows who treats her well."

Old Yetou was so happy that his old eyes lit up a little, and he smiled happily, "Xuyang came and called Master."

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling also laughed and joked, and for a while, there was constant laughter in the main room, and the atmosphere was hot.

And Xiaoqian's eyes were fixed on the other brocade boxes even more fieryly.

She was wearing a peach red cloud brocade jacket and a peacock blue brocade horse face skirt with makeup and flowers, both of which were given to the eldest room by He Xiner last time.

Originally, this pink color was prepared by He Xiner for Ye Feifeng, but how could she give it up, she would be a fool, it would be a waste to wear such good clothes, she might as well make her own clothes.

So, she didn't care about her age and whether she would look good in bright pink, so she happily made a jacket, and she felt that it was beautiful to wear.

In fact, her complexion is dark, her skin is dry, with many small fine lines, and her thin face has little flesh, and her cheekbones are high...

Uh, it's okay for this image to be dressed more dignifiedly, but she dresses up brightly and delicately, which makes her skin look darker, not to mention nondescript.

Unconsciously, she thought that her beauty had reached a new horizon, and she wore all her jewelry and headgear, and loved to walk around the village when she had nothing to do, so that people could see how decent she was.

Even if the gossiping woman in the village looks down on her, she won't say bad things to her face. Who told her to give birth to a good son, and the old Ye's family is rich, and now they have opened a workshop. It's too late to make friends. , where there will be evil.

Besides, no one would be foolish enough to offend the offender face to face.

She is naturally proud of enjoying other people's compliments.

But the fly in the ointment is that she only has silver ornaments, not a single object made of gold, otherwise those poor and envious people can't move their eyes away.

Silver objects are still not shocking enough~
Although most of the people in the village are not well off, there are some people who can buy two pieces of plain silver jewelry. Every time she sees other people wearing jewelry, her sense of superiority is greatly reduced.

The desire for gold jewelry is getting stronger and stronger.

Especially after seeing Wang's red gold and ruby ​​head, she has always been obsessed with it, wishing to snatch it for herself, but she didn't have the guts.

Ye Laiyin is not a good-tempered person.

Oh, it's really troublesome, Ye Laijin will definitely divorce her.

Therefore, she dared not think again.

But, it's not bad to get some good things out of the dead girl's hands. She already owes their eldest wife, but the fool saved her life.

Hmph, it's not enough if there are fewer things.

"This red gold mask is for..."

After a brief pause, He Xiner continued to laugh, "It's for my cousin, it's a famous shop in the county, and the things in the Wanbao Silver Building are pretty delicate, you can keep them for yourself or put them up as a dowry. Get it."

She is really not used to being called cousin, she has not been very close to Ye Feifeng all along.

Little Qian's eyes were filled with fiery flames, he jumped up from his seat almost immediately, and then snatched the brocade box excitedly, "I'll keep it for the fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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