The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1885 I'm Really Hardworking

Chapter 1885 I'm Really Hardworking

"Judging from your tone, you quite approve of the Ye family?"

He Hongjin leaned against the back of the chair relaxedly, and the expression on his face also relaxed a lot. If his eyes weren't too dark, he seemed to have no intention of asking, and chatted with his son casually.

Just like he is familiar with the temper of the eldest son, He Jiaheng also has a good understanding of his temper.

He pondered for a while and said, "People in the Ye family are all sincere and shallow-minded. They don't meander, they are just authentic farmers..."

He Hongjin snorted coldly in his heart, farmers should farm the land well, what kind of business are they doing?
"The son is accompanying the fourth younger sister. He has no deep friendship with the Ye family, so he only looks at the surface."

He Jiaheng's thoughts changed slightly, "The eldest son of Ye's parents is quite a character. He is currently studying in Qingyun Academy. He is said to be a talented student in Class A. He will definitely have a bright future in the future."

"Qingyun Academy? Class A?"

The news was really unexpected, and He Hongjin's expression darkened slightly.

The previous letter from Jia Ming only mentioned one sentence, saying that the boy is a scholar and not often at home.

He Hongjin no longer leaned leisurely on the back of the chair, he sat upright, his body tensed subconsciously, and he tapped on the yellow rosewood table with his right hand, knocking, knocking, knocking... over and over again.

He wouldn't look down on the Ye family with a little income, but if there is a scholar with a bright future, that's another matter.

Next year will be the year of Xiangwei once every three years. If that kid wins the title of Juzi, he will not be able to move the Ye family. Not to mention that Juzi is a scholar, he will have to spend a lot of thought.

He Jiaheng's eyes gradually fell on the elder's hand, as if he had brought him out of the rhythm, the beating frequency of his heart gradually slowed down.

The sound of one-two-three, one-two-three repeated beating suddenly stopped, and He Jiaheng's heart seemed to miss a beat, and then he heard a loud "pop", which was the sound of his father slapping the table vigorously.

He frowned slightly, not knowing why.

He Hongjin, who came back to his senses in an instant, waved his hands and said, "You are also tired after running for a day, go and rest."

"Yes, my son is leaving."

He Jiaheng responded simply, bent slightly and took a few steps back, then turned around and left the study room, and immediately put the fox fur cloak in his hand on him when he was waiting in the porch.

On winter nights, the cold wind howls, the chill is deep, the air inhaled into the lungs is cold, and the heat on the body seems to be blown away in a breath.

"Master, just now the eldest young mistress sent someone to ask..."

"Sent off."


The master and servant did not speak any more, they walked in the front yard with strides against the bitter cold wind, and returned to He Jiaheng's study after a while.

He was not in a hurry to wash up and rest, but stood in front of the desk and drew a picture of a lady with splashes of ink.

In the picture, the woman has a crooked head and eyebrows, and a pretty face. Her frowns and smiles are vivid on the paper, as if in front of her eyes, vivid and agile.

He Jiaheng's eyes were as soft as spring water, and he depicted the pretty face of the woman in the painting over and over again, as if he was fascinated by it, and was in a daze.


He Xin'er, who had been traveling all day, returned to the Qingxin secluded residence, washed and rested early, had a good night's sleep and slept soundly, but was still a little dazed when she was woken up by falling flowers the next morning.

Didn't she sleep with her cousin on the big kang at home, why did Luo Hua also come?
"Miss, it's time to get up."

He Xiner was stunned, "What time is it?"

"The time is right."

She sat up suddenly, startled Luo Hua, "Miss, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's all right."

He Xiner quietly sniffed, that's right, I made an agreement with the lobby brother yesterday, and he agreed immediately and would not come here again.

She relaxed, stretched lazily, and yawned without image, and then sighed, "I have to get up before dawn, I am really diligent."

(End of this chapter)

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