Chapter 1886 Another Pheasant

Luo Hua couldn't help laughing out loud, the lady is so funny.

Wei Yu came in with a few little servant girls, and said with a smile, "It snowed heavily last night, and a thick layer fell on the ground."

Hearing this, He Xiner sighed quietly, "It's really hard for me to go to school even when it's snowing."

"Hehehe—" Luo Hua laughed so hard that the branches trembled, making Wei Yu and the others baffled, and when Luo Hua repeated what her young lady had just said with emotion, Wei Yu and the others also giggled happily.

The crisp laughter immediately filled his ears, causing He Xiner's lips to curl up and laugh.

It's so good to be so jubilant early in the morning.

"Bring back a wild boar from the big white hunt, Luohua went to the big kitchen to ask for a pork leg. You can decide how you want to eat it. Well, let's get another pheasant. It's not easy to get a bowl of hot chicken soup in the cold weather." wind chill."

"Yes, the servant took it down."

Luo Hua responded with a full face of joy, and then smiled at Wei Yu, who also smiled happily, and the little maids cheered excitedly, and Da Bai who came back from a walk was full of praise, making Da Bai squint his eyes happily .

The corners of He Xiner's lips curled up in a happy mood.

After washing up, he used a bowl of rice porridge with shredded chicken and stalks. Under the service of several maidservants, he put on the stove, put on a cloak, put on a hood, and went out until he was fully wrapped.

The snow in the yard had been cleared away, and as far as the eye could see, it was still a vast expanse of whiteness. On the fence and on the roof, there was thick snow everywhere, a full ten inches.

He Xiner didn't care to appreciate the snow scenery, and started to worry about her family's business. With such thick snow, the road must be difficult to walk, and she might not be able to deliver goods outside again.

"Miss, it's time to greet the old lady."

"Let's go."

The weather is inclement and beyond human power. There is no way to do it. Safety is the most important thing. If the road conditions are not good, you should take a rest.

But I should remind my father that it is better to send the Pink Panther to Fucheng earlier, lest there will be another heavy snow blocking the road at the end of the year and throwing things in my hands.

Besides, if the things are sold long ago, the doll's business will come to an end for the time being, and the mother should take care of the baby with peace of mind.

He Xin'er walked very slowly. She often lost her mind when thinking about things, so she couldn't walk fast. When they arrived at Songhe Hall, He Chuer and He Qier had already arrived.

Hearing the commotion, the two turned around and looked over. When they saw the snow-white fox fur on her body, they both widened their eyes, their chests were filled with jealousy, and their whole bodies were sour.

He wanted to stab her a few words, but he didn't dare.

Dabai was watching covetously from the sidelines, and even with their courage, he didn't dare to provoke him.

Not to mention the two of them, even the old lady felt uncomfortable looking at Dabai, and the gentle and kind smile on her face almost couldn't hold back.

"Greetings to the old lady."

"Get up, good boy."

Wei Yu stood quietly behind He Xiner, while Dabai stopped at the door and did not go in. Seeing that it had no intention of approaching, the old lady let out a tense breath before relaxing.

Immediately, she became angry again. Her upright old lady of the He family actually wanted to look at the face of a dog. It was simply, simply unreasonable.

Having said that, but on the surface, Da Bai is docile and well-behaved, and has never caused any trouble, so it's hard for her to say anything.

And the reason why she was afraid of it was because she had a guilty conscience, an instinctive guilty conscience, as tough as hers, and she couldn't control it.

However, He Xiner didn't give her time to find fault with Bai, so she hurriedly resigned. At the same time, He Chuer and He Qier also resigned first, and the hall fell silent immediately.

The old lady narrowed her eyes slightly, and said softly, "That dog is really an eyesore."

Nurse Ji, who was beside her, bent over and leaned forward, "What does the old lady mean...?"

(End of this chapter)

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