Chapter 1911 Dabai Gone
The old lady sitting on the Luohan couch subconsciously looked at Dabai. Although it was the same as usual, her heart was still trembling, her hands and feet were cold, and her back was stiff. go down.

Nanny Ji tugged at her sleeve quietly.

"They're all good boys, get up quickly."

"Thank you, old lady."

Hearing that the old lady's voice was different, He Xiner raised her eyes and looked at her, and saw that the person who was usually in high spirits now had a pale face and cloudy eyes. .

She was slightly surprised.

"Fourth Miss."

When He Xiner was distracted, Nanny Ji suddenly spoke. She looked up and didn't speak, but her expression was obviously waiting for her to say something.

Mother Ji gritted her teeth secretly, but she didn't dare to do anything to her, so she said with a smile, "It's the old lady's birthday, and the female relatives from relatives come to the door, and they must bring the children..."

She paused for a moment, but did not see He Xiner answering, so she said again, "Dabai..."

Speaking of Dabai, my heart trembled uncontrollably, "Dabai was born tall and looks majestic. I'm afraid children will be scared when they see him."

He Xiner's eyes were clean, her watery eyes were black and white, pure and clear, like a naive and ignorant baby.

She just looked at Nanny Ji quietly, but for some reason, she made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Of course, Nanny Ji attributed this to her fear of Dabai, not her own problem.

So she was more careful with her, and said, "In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, please don't zoom out to see people these few days, Miss Fourth."

"it is good."

He Xiner responded lightly.

Mother Ji was taken aback, she thought the other party would not agree, and prepared a lot of excuses, but she didn't expect that she deserved it so happily.

The old lady secretly breathed a sigh of relief, braced herself, told them that she would ask Mrs. He to give them a three-day holiday to entertain relatives and friends, and then urged them to go to school.

Originally, she was planning to confess more things, but she was frightened early in the morning, and with the presence of the old god Dabai, there was no way she could think about anything else now.

The three of He Chu'er got up and were about to say goodbye, but the maids beside her hurried forward to serve her lady's cloak and hood.

Several people were busy with each other, but no one noticed Dabai.

But the eyes of the old lady and Nanny Ji have always been on it. They don't know what kind of psychology they are, they are obviously afraid, but they can't help but look at it. .

After all, the old lady still couldn't believe that the box had something to do with it, but her mind was a little confused, she couldn't figure it out, so she subconsciously guarded against it.

Yes, it's just to be on guard. It's kind of like fearing that it will launch a surprise attack.

But having said that, if Dabai really wants to launch a surprise attack, even if you stare at it and discover its intentions, you won't have time to run away.

However, the current old lady and Mother Ji obviously couldn't consider this point, so they kept staring at Dabai closely.

Suddenly, the dog moved.

It shook its body casually and lazily, and its snow-white fur spread out, making it even taller, like a majestic lion.

The old lady and Mother Ji were tense, motionless, as if they were frozen, but their eyes were firmly stuck to its body, and they couldn't move away.

I saw its black eyes gradually turning cold, dark and gloomy, its whole body was domineering and murderous, staring at them as if looking at a dead person.

The old lady felt horrified.

Mother Ji fell into an ice cave.

The three of them who were wrapped tightly said goodbye to the old lady Qiqi, they didn't see her speak, and they didn't care too much, the general had already said that he was going to leave.

He Chuer left the hall first, followed by He Qier.

He Xiner is a person who knows the cold and is afraid of the heat. She was wrapped too tightly in the warm and spring-like room. She felt that she was about to explode, but she was the youngest, so she couldn't get ahead, so she could only wait patiently.

After He Qier crossed the threshold, she couldn't wait to set off, calling softly, "Dabai is gone", but she didn't wait for it.

(End of this chapter)

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