Chapter 1912 What Happened
The old lady and Mother Ji looked at where Dabai was standing steadily, with no intention of leaving, they felt their scalps go numb, and their hearts hung in the air.

Wei Yu raised the door curtain for her young lady, and after He Jiaxin stepped out of the threshold, she immediately followed.

At this moment, Dabai suddenly changed his face, his eyes showed a fierce light, his face was full of ferociousness, his teeth were clenched menacingly, his cold white sharp teeth exuded a gloomy coldness.

The old lady had difficulty breathing.

Mother Ji was not much better either. Amidst the horror and fear, she felt that the dog would appear in front of her in the next breath, and then opened its bloody mouth, biting off her neck unceremoniously.

Then, she was horrified to find that the dog really appeared in front of her eyes. It was as fast as a bolt of lightning, so fast that its body could not be seen clearly. There was only a snow-white phantom. It took only two or three breaths of time, and it had already galloped away. to.


Although Mother Ji is a pair and a half of the three souls gone, she is still strong, mainly because her whole body is stiff and she has no strength to run.

But the old lady couldn't hold on any longer. Under the extreme fear, she felt that she couldn't breathe well, and then fell to the ground when her eyes were dark, but she was not completely dizzy, but she was too frightened to be more frightened, shivering. lump.

Dabai's eyes showed disdain, and he turned and left.

Nanny Ji sat down on the ground behind her, with trembling lips, she said tremblingly, "Come here, come here."

The maid in the corridor heard the movement, Qiangwei immediately entered the hall, and asked with her head down, "What is the old madam's order?"

At this time, Mother Ji was already holding on to her anger, "If there are any more pleases, I will send them away, and no one is allowed to come in. Find another suitable person to invite the doctor... Forget it, go and invite the elder. "

Qiangwei had already raised her head, saw the old lady on the ground, she opened her mouth to call out, but was shocked by Nanny Ji's cold eyes, she dared not speak out.

"Help the old lady to the bed."


Qiangwei was trembling, not understanding why the always dignified old lady fell to the ground, and she didn't invite a doctor, it was too weird.

Nanny Ji struggled to get up, and together with Qiangwei helped the frightened old lady into the bedroom, and sent her to find the elder.

After Qiangwei left, Nanny Ji shook her body, rolled her eyes and passed out.

He Hongjin was summoned by his mother early in the morning, and He Hongjin came very quickly. He saw the old lady's eyes were lost, and her face was full of vicissitudes, as if she had suddenly aged a few years.

But the always respectable Nanny Ji was lying on the ground, covered with a blanket, and a thick carpet under her body, but why did such a good-looking person lie on the ground?
And there is not a single maid in the room, only the old master and servant.

He Hongjin frowned, "Mother, what happened?"

The old lady turned her head slowly and looked over.


Mrs. He's birthday had already entered the countdown, and the whole family was busy preparing for the birthday banquet. Even the three of He Xin'er were given a holiday because they had to receive relatives and friends.

For this reason, He Xiner felt quite strange, but well, it's a good thing to be able to have a vacation, and it would be even better if she didn't have to greet her early in the morning, so that she could sleep in openly.

He Xiner sighed deeply, this kind of thing can only be thought about.

When I walked out of the school, I realized that it was snowing heavily at some point.

Dark clouds covered the stars and the moon, the sky was dark, and the snow on the road that had not yet been cleared in the future reflected a slight snow light.

"Miss, step carefully."

"Be careful."

Luo Huadai came to meet her with a lantern and an umbrella, and the three masters and servants hurried back to Qingxin Youju with Dabai.

It was really too cold outside, He Xiner was afraid that if she walked slowly, her feet would freeze.

"Huh~, it's still warm in the room."

He Xiner smiled and rubbed her hands, expressing that she was alive again.

(End of this chapter)

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