The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 194 I Don't Want to Learn Embroidery

Chapter 194 I Don't Want to Learn Embroidery
No longer smiling, He Xiner started talking about going to the Huichun Hall in the town. Of course, she didn't say that she asked the question on her own initiative. She only said that she saw someone selling medicinal materials in the Huichun Hall, so she curiously followed in to ask.

And what old doctor Dou said, I told the two friends one by one.

Ye Yuanyuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, "The berries that no one wants on the mountain can really be exchanged for money?"

Nodding her head, He Xiner said: "Doctor Dou said that it is a kind of medicinal material, Huichun Tang can accept it, but I have never picked it, and I dare not guarantee it. Let's not tell the adults about it."

Guan Cuizhi also nodded and agreed, "Xin'er is right, it's better not to tell the adults."

"Haha, it's okay even if it can't be exchanged for silver. Anyway, it doesn't cost money, it just takes some effort. It's just for fun."

No longer acting like a fan of money, Ye Yuanyuan is very straightforward, He Xiner smiled slightly, she really didn't miss it, the two little friends have very good personalities~
Guan Cuizhi suddenly put her face in front of He Xiner's eyes: "Xiner, what's wrong with your face? Something scratched it?"

Only then did He Xiner remember that she took a shower at noon and washed off her makeup. She touched her face and asked, "Can you see clearly?"

"If you don't look carefully, you can't see it"

"That's good, it was scratched by a branch yesterday, it's fine if you don't see it."

"Even if the skin is not cut, it will still hurt. You have to be careful in the future."

"Yeah, I know"

After exhorting He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi turned to Ye Yuanyuan again, "Can you settle down?"

Ye Yuanyuan smiled, "It's definitely fine."

"So that's it?"


The three of them discussed the specific time, and they agreed to meet at the foot of the mountain at the time of the agreement.

Looking at the sky, guessing that her mother should go home, He Xiner said, "Let's go back."

"Well, I should go back too"

Ye Yuanyuan is also attached.

Guan Cuizhi was fine, knowing that the two of them had work to do when they returned home, she agreed, and the three of them went back to the village and separated.

He Xiner was walking on the small path in front of her house, feeling uneasy again. She always felt that someone was following her, she made a fist and didn't look back, and ran straight away.

After running for a few steps, she saw her mother walking back slowly with the laundry tub in her hand from a long distance, He Xiner hurriedly yelled "Mom"

He didn't stop on his feet, and ran directly to her mother's side, panting heavily.

Seeing her daughter running in a hurry, Wang laughed and said, "What's the hurry? No one is chasing you!"

"Hey, am I happy to see my mother?"


Wang smiled and nodded her head, "The bigger the skin, the skinier it is!"

"Haha, I'm a child now"


The two mothers smiled and went back to Lao Ye's house together, and He Xiner helped her mother dry the clothes.Asked: "What else do you want to do?"

Mrs. Wang looked up at the sun, "You don't need to cook yet, let's get the soles of your shoes first!"

"I am with my mother"

Mrs. Wang agreed with a smile, and went back to the house to take out the half-filled shoe soles. The door was open, and both mothers got on the kang. He Xiner tilted her head to watch her mother stitch and thread the soles of the shoes.

"Speaking of which, it's time for you to learn how to be a female celebrity. In some families, girls start to learn how to thread needles and thread, cut and sew at the age of seven or eight, and they can spin and weave cloth and draw and embroider at the age of ten."

He Xiner was speechless when she heard it, could she be a child prodigy?
Mrs. Wang kept her hands in her hands, and continued to say: "It's a pity that my mother can't do embroidery, and I can't teach you. Sigh!"

"Mom, I don't want to learn embroidery, it's hard to think about it!"

"You! Girls with good embroidery skills will be looked up to by others when they come to her husband's house. Besides, if they are good at embroidery, they can go to the embroidery factory to do work and earn money by themselves."

"Oh, I see my sister sometimes embroiders handkerchiefs, and she also embroiders them for the embroidery village? Can you make money?"

This question made Mrs. Wang burst out laughing, first she stretched her head to look outside, then lowered her voice and said, "Your sister embroidered by herself, her craftsmanship is similar to that of your mother, how can the embroidery shop look good?"

"So this is ah!"

He Xiner pouted, her sister-in-law didn't do anything every day, she just took a handkerchief and pretended to embroider, she thought she could make money!

(End of this chapter)

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