The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 195 The Brat Runs Faster Than a Rabbit

Chapter 195 The Brat Runs Faster Than a Rabbit
He Xiner can't understand her sister-in-law, who doesn't do anything at a young age, doesn't go out to play, and stays at home every day without being afraid of growing hair?
If she hadn't been allowed to go out and hid in the house every day, she would definitely be going crazy!

Her mother went on and on about the benefits of being a female celebrity, how can she find a good in-law's family, how can she be straight in her in-law's family, how can she save money from her own house...

Ouch, the benefits are too numerous to mention.

He Xiner yawned straight away, resting her elbows on the kang table, holding her head in her hands and dangling, her eyes were glued to each other, she closed her eyes and yawned again, she climbed up on the kang table and fell asleep .

Seeing that Wang couldn't laugh or cry, she had to pick her up from the kang table and gently put her on the top of the kang, and took off her shoes and covered her with a quilt, so that she could sleep comfortably.


The three grandchildren of the Ye family's second wife: Ye Xuewen, Ye Xuewu, and Ye Xuebing got hints from their master that they are gearing up for a big job these days.

Thinking that the kid is a weak scholar, isn't it easy to handle?
You just need to find a place where no one is around and beat him up. When he is scared out of his wits, ask him for money, and then he will obediently hand over the money.

That kid is the only grandson of that house, and his grandfather treats him so well and pays him to go to school, as long as he is forced to make up excuses to go home and ask for money, it will be fine!

Once you get hold of that kid, sooner or later you'll take out all their money!

Thinking about that scene, the three cousins ​​were secretly excited, who made his master not authentic, it was all Lao Ye's money, why should they be taken over by their house?
After making up their minds, the three of them lay in ambush on Ye Xusheng's way to school for a few days, but it turned out that it was not a coincidence. Every time there were people on the road, the three of them were very anxious, but they had to wait patiently for the opportunity.

Today, the three of them hid behind the trees on the side of the road again, and saw Ye Xusheng walking towards here with his schoolbag on his back from a distance. The three of them looked at each other, first looked around, and made sure that there was no one else, and they all grinned happily. Now, the time has come!

According to the original plan, the third brother held stones in both hands, and the equipment first rained a shower of stones to blind Ye Xusheng, then stepped forward to gag and dragged him into the reeds to torture him slowly.

So, seeing Ye Xusheng approaching, the third brother looked at each other, and the six hands worked together to throw the stone out.

These stones were as big as fists, and the strong young man threw them with all his strength, if they hit the head, it would not only hit the head, but it might directly break the head.

Ye Xusheng, who was walking quickly with his head bowed, suddenly moved his ears, and his body reacted instantly. He ran out of the dangerous area at lightning speed, and then ran back home without looking back.

The three brothers Ye Xuewen, Ye Xuewu, and Ye Xuebing hurried out from behind the tree when they heard footsteps, only seeing Ye Xusheng galloping back.

Three Brothers……

Ye Xuewen looked at the stones on the ground, and then at the path where there were no people, and his mind was dazed, "We didn't look at it just now, did we?"

"No, it's that kid"

After kicking the stones on the ground, Ye Xuewu said with a gloomy face, "The brat runs faster than a rabbit"

Ye Xuebing is the youngest, but he is also impatient, "What should I do now?"

He still wants to get money, so he will have meat to eat today!
"Hmph, so what if you run fast? There are three of us. Next time, just stop him and see how he runs?"

"Brother is saying that even if he has rabbit legs, it's useless. Let's break his legs and see how he can run?"

Ye Xuebing was enraged by the money and meat, and said with gritted teeth.

"Let's go, if we can't do it today, there will be tomorrow, sooner or later we have to clean him up"

"Yeah, get rid of him sooner or later"

Ye Xusheng ran back to Lao Ye's house in one breath and returned to Dongkuayuan.

He took off his cross-body schoolbag, put it on the desk, and sat down with an ugly face.

(End of this chapter)

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