The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1985 Are All Good Children

Chapter 1985 Are All Good Children

A country girl dares to miss Zu'an, she really doesn't know what to say!
The old lady was extremely annoyed, she showed something on her face, the old Han was not stupid, seeing her displeasure, secretly annoyed that she spoke too hastily.

Just in embarrassment, He Lan'er brought her husband and children to pay respects to the old lady's birthday, which dispelled the condensed atmosphere in the room.

She is the eldest daughter of the long house, so she should arrive earlier than the other guests, so it's not too late.

"Jin Bao and Jin Mei kowtow to their great-grandmother."

The two little dolls really kowtowed to the old lady obediently, "Great-grandmother is well."

"Okay, okay, okay, they are all good boys, come here and let your great-grandmother take a look."

The old lady smiled like a spring breeze, hugging the two children in her arms affectionately, asking for warmth.

He Xiner looked a little curiously, and saw that the little boy was about five years old, and the little girl was about three years old, both of them were born very well, fair and clean, with delicate features, and they were rare to see.

As a male family member, Xiao Zhiping only paid a salute to the old lady, and then was invited to drink tea in the front yard, and he would not stay in the back house for too long.

But He Xin'er could see clearly that the man was handsome and suave, coupled with He Lan'er's good looks, the two children had gained a lot of strengths, and they were naturally cute and cute.

Well, children are cuter than adults.

While He Xiner was quietly looking at the two children, He Yugu and He Xiuxiu's gazes also kept falling on the two children, to be precise, on the golden life lock. It is surprisingly bright, like a wolf staring at its prey, ready to rush up and bite at any time.

He Lan'er squinted at the two of them with displeasure, her disdain barely concealed.

Old Han saw it clearly, and was secretly angry in his heart, only to find his granddaughter's disgraceful appearance when he turned his head, and he became even angrier, wishing to slap her twice to wake her up.

Even the old Mrs. Dong finally noticed He Xiuxiu, secretly cursing in her heart that she couldn't get on the stage, but she forgot the time when she was heartbroken by jealousy.

The second lady curled her lips at her daughter-in-law, the second young lady, Yinshi. She didn't like the poor people in the clan, and she couldn't understand He Laner being close to the old lady, and that pair of little farts who would deceive people when they were young In short, she despises none of them.

He Chuer and He Qier habitually compared He Laner's clothes and fashion, and found that although her outfit was gorgeous, it was not new, um, [-]% new was not considered new.

You know, in the past on such occasions, she would prepare five or six sets of brand new clothes for replacement, and when did she wear the old clothes.

This recognition made the two of them feel a little gloated.

Sure enough, without Da Furen's subsidy, her life would not be so easy.

The eldest mistress and the third mistress are both members of the eldest family, but they are not close to He Laner. Relying on the favor of the eldest wife and her status as the eldest daughter, she never takes those two seriously, so the other party naturally does not like them. Hurry up at the meeting.

They don't like to look at other people's faces.

And because the old lady loved those two children so much, both of them felt a little sour in their hearts, so they wouldn't go forward to make fun of them.

It's too late to run far.

He Xiner ignored all the lawsuits with everyone, and drank tea leisurely as usual.

When He Lan'er was talking with the old lady, she quietly crossed her eyes several times, and turned a blind eye to her when she saw her. She was inevitably annoyed, but she didn't dare to provoke her easily.

Originally, she wanted to take advantage of this occasion, in front of all her relatives and friends, to embarrass her, He Xiner, and then force her to beg her father to let her mother back.

In short, she was making a lot of calculations, and she was going to vent her anger with the two aunts and team up to deal with He Xin'er, but she didn't expect that Dabai suddenly went crazy, and her voice shook half the county town, including He Lan'er .

She was the one who fainted from Dabai's fright, and she had a deep-seated fear of its voice.

So she gave up all ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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