The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1986 It's all sister's bad

Chapter 1986 It's all sister's bad
Thinking of Dabai's bravery, how dare she make trouble.

It's just that He Xiner is not pleasing to the eye, and besides, Dabai is not by her side now, so he has to find something to tickle her.

Just when He Lan'er was secretly thinking of playing tricks, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu also had a pair of tricks, looking at He Xiner from time to time, obviously harboring malicious intentions.

Wei Yu secretly gritted her teeth.

He Xiner remained indifferent, drinking tea and eating fruit as usual.

In other words, she was a little stuffed after drinking, it was really boring.

No matter how everyone fights eyebrows and eye lawsuits in private, there is still a happy atmosphere on the surface, and the atmosphere is good.

After all, it's the old lady's birthday, so even if she was looking for trouble, she wouldn't start a fight with straight eyebrows.

The old lady hugged the two little dolls carved in powder and jade, and smiled very heartily, teasing the two little dolls one by one to make people laugh. No matter what the second lady and others think in private, they still have to give face, and With the old Han family joking around, the atmosphere became even better.

The two little dolls yelled around, and in the end only the youngest He Xin'er was left. The smile on the old lady's face remained unchanged, and she said softly, "She is your fourth aunt. See you later, you should greet her in a serious manner." .”

He Xiner's hands trembled, and she almost spilled the tea.

She is a little incompetent.

The two little dolls were quite well-behaved, and when they walked up to her, one bowed and the other bowed their knees, saluting decently, saying "fourth aunt is well."

The voice was soft and waxy, and he looked like a little adult, not to mention how cute, everyone laughed lightly and boasted that he was sensible.

But He Xiner, who has always been calm and calm, has lost the calmness of the past.

The child is naturally extremely cute, and she couldn't help but want to stretch out her paws to pinch her little face and touch her little hands.

However, she was only treated as an ordinary child, so she was called Fourth Aunt, not to mention she was old, it seemed too close.


She was not yet ready to be an elder, and was thinking about how to speak, when He Lan'er preempted her and spoke softly, "Speaking of which, the fourth younger sister has been back home for a few months, and it's time to bring them to recognize her." Recognize my aunt and say hello to my fourth sister."

He Lan'er looks bright and majestic, her personality is also extremely flamboyant, and she has to be strong, no matter in her husband's family or her mother's, she is quite strong, but now she deliberately put on a gentle and careless appearance, which made He Xiner frown , this feels so awkward.

It's not as good as when he was arrogant and domineering, it makes people feel comfortable.

"It's also because the house is busy with general affairs, so I haven't spared time to do it... In short, it's all my sister's fault, so I hope my fourth sister will take care of me."

He Lan'er explained in a soft voice, and before He Xin'er could speak, she hurriedly said, "These two children are your own nephews, and they are both children of your own family. Fourth sister don't have to make things difficult..."

The second lady and the others secretly winked, their eyes were subtle, it was really a fight between sisters, it was still very interesting.

But neither of them are friendly, they won't get involved, they just held up the teacup to hide the smile on their lips, watching the play happily.

But the old Dong finally found a chance to squeeze He Xiner, and couldn't help jumping out and gesticulating, "The big girl's words are wrong, the fourth girl is the aunt of two children, and it's the first time seeing her again." The two children, how can we not give a meeting gift to show it?"

She saw that He Xin'er was not full of beads like He Chuer and others, and only had two pink ribbons tied on the double snail bun, so she decided that she couldn't bring out any good things, and wanted to see her excitement.

But he didn't know that the seemingly simple pink ribbon, with only four round beads on both ends, was worth a lot of silver, not even a little cheaper than the red gold head.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu had seen He Xiner spend money, but they didn't mention it to the old Han and the old Dong. They only said how domineering and bullying she was, so they didn't care about anything else.

However, they didn't feel that the commotion was worthless. After all, she, He Xiner, had just been recognized not long ago, so she must not have as many good things as He Chuer and He Qier.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so shabby.

There is only an inconspicuous ribbon on the head, which is not as valuable as their silk flowers.

It's not embarrassing either.

He Yuru suddenly thought of the tourmaline bracelet worth 20 taels of silver, and couldn't help but feel a pain in his liver.

It would be nice to have that silver to buy a set of red gold face.

What a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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