The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1988 is a good and filial boy

Chapter 1988 is a good and filial boy
He Xiner followed He Chuer and He Qier, they should greet and salute, their attitude should be neither humble nor overbearing, and their demeanor should be graceful.

The three and four households are concubines, so naturally they can't control the affairs of the eldest son's family, and the third and fourth masters all rely on He Hongjin in their business. When the two households saw He Xiner, they were quite polite and treated her well After complimenting, He Xiner politely thanked her without saying anything.

Immediately afterwards, two old aunts and grandmas of the He residence came with their families.

Counting two generations back, the He family can only be regarded as a wealthy family, and they don't pay much attention to taking concubines. Naturally, the two old aunts are He Hongjin's biological aunts.

The two old ladies are of high seniority and status, so they are treated differently from others. After the little maid from the second courtyard came to report, the second lady hurriedly led the maid and mother-in-law out of the courtyard to greet them.

When the two stepped into the hall, they naturally greeted each other again.

"Is this the daughter that Dafang found?"

Old Mrs. Han and Mrs. Dong have moved to the lower armchairs. The two old aunts and the old lady are sitting side by side on the Luohan couch. It is the eldest aunt who is holding He Xiner's hand and talking.

The old lady smiled and said, "That's her, the fourth girl is gentle and well-behaved, she is a good and filial child."

He Xiner trembled almost imperceptibly.

The second lady and He Lan'er, who were fainted by Dabai's shock, subconsciously stared, but did not dare to speak nonsense.

He Chuer, He Qier, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu all curled their lips secretly.

"Well, I think this girl is not bad either. She is good-looking and has a good temperament. She has the demeanor of a lady."

He Xiner bowed her knees and saluted, "Xiner should not be praised by my aunt."

"The old woman has lived most of her life. She has no other skills. She still has two eyes on people. If I say you are a good one, you are a good one. Don't be as humble as me."

The old lady is not tall, a little fat, with a round face, bright eyes, and a very amiable smile.

He Xiner can't understand her temperament, but she doesn't deal with her very much on weekdays, so it's good to be able to save face and be happy with Lele.

"Then Xin'er, thank you for your compliments."

"Haha, that's what a good boy should do."

When the old lady was happy, she called her granddaughters to her and introduced them to each other. She said that they were all real relatives of her own family, and that they belonged to young girls of the same age. They should get along well and get close to each other.

All the little girls respectfully responded.

Qiao Sisi and Qiao Jiaojiao from the eldest aunt's family are both older than He Xiner, so they need to be called cousins.

Tang Baoqin and Tang Baoru of the second old aunt's family are both younger than her, and they are called cousins.

He Xin'er was dizzy, just remembered a few people, and another relative came to the door, it was the old lady's two sisters-in-law who brought their family to celebrate the birthday.

The two old ladies also brought along their granddaughters who were not out of the cabinet, namely He Qingqing, He Jiaxin, He Xianglan, and He Zhiying.

He Xiner was almost suffering from face blindness.

The hall was already full of people, He Lan'er's son and daughter were taken by the nanny to rest in her yard long ago, and a group of little girls all put on their cloaks and went to the corridor.

Those who have not yet offered birthday gifts are not easy to go far.

Fortunately, there were many braziers under the corridor, and everyone was dressed thickly, so it wasn't too cold.

One after another, people who had business dealings with the He family came to the door, as well as the eldest wife's family, the second wife's family and the three young wives' family, all of them brought their female relatives, all of them were surrounded by silk, pearls and emerald greens, The whole hall was full of jewels.

The little girls in the corridor are all glamorous and beautiful, and they are full of spring colors, competing for splendor.

In front of He Chuer and the others, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu could still rely on their grandfather being the patriarch and head of the house to raise their self-esteem, but facing the other little girls, they had no advantage, they were just out-and-out country girls.

There is a lot of difference between the two of them in their clothes, and they are quite different from a group of young girls in brocade clothes and embroidered jackets, with colorful and pearl shoes. The difference should not be too obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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