The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1989 is a good housekeeper

Chapter 1989 is a good housekeeper
Not to mention that all the children of the merchant's family are snobbish, but there are not many who like to associate with country girls, and feel that they are not cheap.

Thus, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were quietly isolated by the crowd.

It wasn't the first time for the two of them to return to the He Mansion, and it wasn't the first time they encountered this kind of thing, but they were still a little helpless, ashamed and annoyed, and secretly scolded these people for their shallow eyesight.

Both of them want to be strong, and they are used to running rampant in the clan. Facing a group of glamorous and well-dressed girls, although they have a little inferiority complex, they are more unconvinced, and they feel that they are no better than these people. What's the difference, it's just bad luck not casting a good tire.

Being underestimated by others now, He Yuru felt a deep sense of resentment in her heart, secretly vowed that she would marry to Fucheng, and then she would trample these sluts under her feet.

Naturally, He Xiuxiu also wanted to marry to Fucheng and become the young mistress of a rich family, but she also knew that it would not be easy, so she secretly thought about it, looking at He Xiner from time to time.

In the end, he simply pulled He Yuru closer to He Xiner.

"Fourth sister, why are you talking so happily? Let's talk about it, and our sisters are also happy together."

Sisters Qiao Sisi and Qiao Jiaojiao have been staying with He Xiner all the time. The two sisters are straightforward and enthusiastic, and they are quite compatible with He Xiner.

The three of them chatted casually about topics that the little girl was interested in, but they were also relaxed.

The eldest lady Song's two nieces, Song Xinyu and Song Mingyu, originally wanted to find an opportunity to talk to He Xiner alone, but they never found time. Now seeing He Yuru and He Xiuxiu approaching again, they became more irritable, and simply ignored her , went to talk to He Laner.

He Xiner, who was interrupted by He Yuru, glanced at her indifferently, and said in a deep voice, "It's nothing, I was talking to my two cousins ​​about the two big white geese in our yard, who are good housekeepers , the last time I twisted it, the fourth brother hugged his head and ran around."

He Yugu and He Xiuxiu's eyes turned red when they recalled the scene of screaming and screaming when they were frightened by the big white goose that day.

It's a good thing they were dressed thickly, otherwise they wouldn't need both legs.

Qiao Sisi and Qiao Jiaojiao met each other's eyes, and both pursed their lips and started to laugh.

This cousin is interesting.

He Yuru couldn't hold his breath, when he was stabbed by He Xiner, he was about to explode on the spot, "You..."

"People from the Yongchang uncle's mansion are here!"

A little servant girl ran in from the outside and rushed inside to report the news.

He Yuru, who was about to jump, stopped talking suddenly, her heart was pounding in shock.

It's a good thing I haven't scolded, otherwise I'll offend the nobleman, but I won't be able to eat and walk away.

The old lady's natal family is in Fucheng, and they are relatives with Uncle Yongchang's mansion, and everyone in the clan knows about it, but she comes to celebrate the old lady's birthday every year, and she has never met anyone from Uncle Yongchang's mansion.

I didn't expect to be able to gain a lot of insight today.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu subconsciously stretched the cloaks on their bodies, and stared at the courtyard gate full of curiosity.

The voices of the other little girls were obviously lowered, and they all looked out curiously.

After a while, He Jiaheng and He Jiajie accompanied Nangong Han and strode in. He Jiaheng had a good appearance, and He Jiajie had delicate features. They were both good-looking sons, but they were not as good-looking as Nangong Han.

The elegant and handsome young man is wearing a black fox cloak and an amethyst crown on his head. His brows are full of spirit, and his actions are majestic.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu are already fascinated.

This man is so beautiful.

The dress is also beautiful, and the hair crown on the head is also beautiful.

All in all, everything is fine.

He is much more noble than the Zhou family's kid.

The son of the Yongchang uncle's mansion is different.

All the little girls in the hallway thought they were female relatives, and they were thinking of seeing the clothes and jewelry in the prefecture, but they didn't know that the man from Yongchangbo's mansion was a noble son, they were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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