The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1990 1 road has worked hard

Chapter 1990 Hard work all the way
He Xin'er was also surprised, she didn't expect that there was only one Nangong Han in Yongchang Bo's mansion, and there were no female relatives, so she couldn't understand it.

She didn't know that in previous years, Uncle Yongchang's mansion hadn't celebrated the old lady's birthday, so the servants sent a congratulatory gift and dismissed it.

It is because the Yongchang uncle's mansion takes advantage of the He family and treats him so lightly that the old lady wants to trample the Yongchang uncle's mansion under her feet even in her dreams.

Therefore, he paid special attention to He Jiaming who was good at reading.

I just hope that he can be nominated on the list, become an official, lead the He family to prosperity, and no longer have to rely on him, a Yongchang uncle with a title but no real power, and compare him and her eldest sister.

As a result, the expectation was in vain.

How could He Xiner know about these roundabouts.

While she was in a daze, Nangong Han had already walked up to her and smiled at her, "How is Fourth Cousin?"

He is good-looking, has a good temperament, no matter how you look at him, he is noble and lonely when he is not smiling, and he is handsome when he is smiling, which makes people's eyes bright and shocking.

He Yuru's pair of tricks almost stuck to his face.

He Xiuxiu felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Even the other little girls were fascinated by it. He really has such a good temperament. The young man raised by the aristocratic family has a sense of nobility, which cannot be compared with the children of merchants.

He Xiner didn't pay much attention to his appearance, she was just thinking about things, not obsessed with his appearance.

After seeing Zhang Dongqiang's immortal appearance, He Xiner didn't think anyone could be prettier than him.

Besides, she already has a sweetheart, and Ye Xusheng's appearance is also first-class, so she won't be dumped by other men.

It's just that she didn't realize it. The person was already in front of her. She blinked and smiled politely, "Hello fifth cousin, you've worked hard all the way."

This person should have come from Fucheng this morning, and he had not heard any news about Yongchangbo Mansion before.

Nangong Han smiled, just a few words from her were enough to relieve his fatigue and refresh him, and it was not in vain for him to go through this journey.

He Jiajie turned his head to look around, and said, "Fourth sister, didn't you bring Dabai out? Fifth cousin just said he wanted to play with it."

"There are so many female relatives today, it is inevitable that some are afraid of dogs, so I won't bring it out if I don't want to scare the guests."

He Jiajie frowned, "Dabai is so well-behaved, he doesn't yell or yell, what is there to be afraid of? It's just hypocritical..."

He Chuer and He Qier who are not far away are about to roll their eyes to the sky, they are talking nonsense with their eyes open~
Even He Jiaheng also found it funny, and said, "Fourth sister is right, there are many distinguished guests here today, with all kinds of temperaments, it would be wrong if Dabai scares her."

Ever since Nangong Han entered the courtyard, he caught sight of He Xiner among a group of Yingying and swallows, and then his gaze fell on her, never moving away.

The little girls around all have exquisite hair buns, full of pearls and emeralds. Only she is combing a delicate double spiral bun and tied two bows with pink ribbons, which is simple, refreshing, pure and smart.

I haven't seen her for more than two months, she seems to be beautiful again, her face is like a lotus, her eyebrows are like a distant blue, a pair of slightly raised almond eyes are shining brightly, as clear as a pool of autumn water, and the waves in her eyes are flowing, so beautiful.

Nangong Han's heart skipped a beat.

When the three brothers and sisters were talking, he was slightly distracted, and now he smiled and said, "I have missed Dabai for a long time, can fourth cousin allow me to play with it for a while?"

"Okay, I'll call it to the front yard later."

The front yard is full of male relatives, so they shouldn't be afraid of dogs.

As long as it's not too much, Dabai is still very docile and won't frighten people at will.

He Xiner is very relieved about this.

"Four sisters~"

A delicate voice suddenly sounded in my ears, every word seemed to be squeezed out by squeezing my throat, artificial, pretentious, and it made He Xiner's scalp tingle.

(End of this chapter)

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