The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1997 Try it and you'll know

Chapter 1997 Try it and you'll know
Ever since He Xiner entered the He Mansion, she has hardly been treated by the female relatives. From the kind and kind old lady to the cousin in the next room, everyone dislikes her, either because they want to plot against her, or Want to pinch her, never really get along with each other in harmony.

Therefore, as the niece of the second wife, and the younger sister of the eldest and third young mistresses, she was really surprised that she was so kind and warm to her.

Now, she understood.

It turned out that it was the blessing of her good fourth brother.

This is really..., hehe~
"Miss Si, the young master is still waiting, do you see?"

He Xiner hurriedly brought back the thoughts of flying away, and said with a smile, "Sisters and sisters, if you are not afraid of the cold, let's go and have a look together."

Since everyone wants to go, she has no reason to be a villain and stop her.

"Wear thicker clothes, it's okay, let's go."

Liu Min was the first to stand up, beaming with joy, "I want to try the barbecue my cousin made. It's so delicious. I asked him to ignore the cold weather and run into the wind to blow the air."

He Xiner smiled and said, "Try it and you'll know."

This girl has a straightforward temperament, and she doesn't follow the second wife at all.

Hearing what the two of them were talking about interestingly, the sisters of the Qiao family, who were originally shy of the cold, also became interested, saying that they also wanted to go to watch the excitement, and the four sisters He Qingqing also expressed that they would go to play together.

Well, the whole table is alive.

He Xiner laughed a little.

So, the maids around her and the little maids in the house were busy.

The little girls were all tightly surrounded by cloaks and hoods, and the hand stove was also filled with red charcoal, which was so hot that it warmed up to the heart when held in their hands.

He Xiner looked around and laughed first. A group of pretty, juicy little girls were all wrapped up like rice dumplings. They were round and round, but cute.

Liu Min, Jiang Yuan, Qiao Sisi, He Qingqing and others also laughed, as if they were going to do bad things together, they were inexplicably agitated, mixed with a trace of nervousness.

The banquet wasn't over yet, they slipped away first, which was a bit out of place.

"Oh, let's go, I'm going to die of heat."

The flower shed was as warm as spring, they were all wearing thin clothes, they didn't dare to go out to see the wind, they could only dress inside, and only went out after tidying up.

The ten little sisters plus the personal maids made up 20 people. They were mighty and mighty, and the speed was too fast. The impetuous Liu Min yelled, urging the people in front to hurry up.

He Xin'er, who knows the cold and fears the heat the most, was already a little bit unbearable in the heat, but it was hard to leave the guests alone and run ahead by herself, so she had to be patient and accompany everyone.

Hearing that Liu Min was upset, she couldn't help laughing, "It turns out that I'm not the only one who is afraid of both cold and heat."

The little girls laughed along, and they didn't care about etiquette at the moment, they rushed out suddenly, and those who didn't know it thought they were in a hurry to run away.

Nowadays, women pay attention to their leisurely steps, unhurried and graceful, but if they are not in a hurry, they will be sweating from the heat, so they don't pay attention to it.

As a result, the movement of the group became louder, attracting He Chuer, He Qier, He Yuru, He Xiuxiu and others to look over.

On the contrary, the elders above were only focused on talking and didn't notice their small movements.

The newly-built flower shed is very large, with clusters of flowers, arranged in random order, unique and quiet, and also plays the role of partition, so that each table has a certain space, so that the voices of speech will not be mixed together.

The place where He Xiner and the others were located was a bit remote. If they hadn't swarmed out, a whole table of people would have slipped away in their area without attracting anyone's attention.

But now that it is so lively, people will naturally look at it.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu hurriedly followed immediately, they ran so fast that they didn't even put on their cloaks, and they didn't have a personal maid, so they could only hold them in their hands, but they didn't dare to delay, for fear In the blink of an eye, He Xiner and the others walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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