The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1998 It Looks Like Brother 4 Was Prepared Long Ago

Chapter 1998 It seems that the fourth brother is well prepared

He Xiner and her group came out of the big flower shed, they all took a long breath, they all said that it was finally getting cooler, Liu Min even smiled and said, "Two steps slower, and I'm going to explode."

Seeing her frank and funny words, everyone couldn't help laughing and joking a few words. He Yuru and He Xiuxiu chased after her, and they ran from the warm spring-like flower shed to the freezing outdoor. , were all frozen, and felt that there was no warmth in the body, and it was cold from head to toe.

Now that he has caught up with someone, he doesn't care about talking, and quickly opens the cloak to surround himself first.

He Xiner turned a blind eye to the two, chatting and laughing with a group of little girls and went straight to the pond.

From a distance, you can see the gazebo extending to the center of the pond, surrounded by screens on three sides, not to mention, under the eaves of the elegant and exquisite four-corner gazebo, there is a circle of light gauze curtains, which looks like hazy smoke, which is really beautiful. It is embellished with silver bells and pressed down, swaying in the wind and making a lonely sound, like the sound of jade, which is pleasant to the ear.

"I didn't expect my cousin to be so elegant, it's really unexpected."

I have to say that Liu Min's words really spoke He Xiner's heartfelt words.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it was He Jiajie's handwriting.

"It seems that the fourth brother is well prepared."

He Xiner said with a smile, "Now I'm not afraid of the cold wind."

With the surrounding screen, most of the bone-chilling cold wind is blocked, so that it will not be unbearable.

Jiang Yuan quietly glanced at Liu Min, whose eyes were full of excitement, pursed the corners of her lips lightly, and then casually looked around, but she was quietly paying attention to Chai Qiongyan again, seeing that the other party was also staring at the gazebo, she couldn't help sighing softly tone.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, who were following behind the crowd, also stared at the four-corner pavilion with bright eyes, wondering whether the noble son of Yongchang uncle's mansion was inside.

He Xiner headed up the plank road, and was about to talk to Liu Min beside her when she heard the bell ringing rapidly. She turned her head to look, and happened to see a corner of the curtain flying up, and Da Bai leaped towards her happily.

"Ah! What a big dog!"

"Sister Liu, don't be afraid, it doesn't bite."

With a snap of her fingers, Dabai was already in front of her eyes. He Xiner smiled and lowered her head to hug it, but she did not forget to explain to others, "Sisters, this is Dabai. It is very smart. It never barks or bites. People, don’t be afraid.”

Hmm, that's a little heartbreaking to say the least.

Dabai didn't feel guilty at all, squinting his eyes happily, he went straight to He Xiner's arms, making He Xiner giggle.

Everyone saw that they were so close and natural, one person and one dog, it was really enviable, and they were not afraid, and seeing that Dabai was so majestic and handsome, it was really rare, so they couldn't help but praise a few words.

When her pet was praised, He Xiner felt that she was happier than being praised, and she was not humble. She also echoed a few words casually, chatting and laughing with everyone and entered the gazebo.

Nangong Han had already seen her through the white curtain as thin as onion's wings, and his deep eyes immediately shone like stars.

Her smile is like a flower, and her face is like water; her temperament is ethereal, clean and pure, just like a pure water lily, dancing gracefully, so pure that it is beyond human fireworks, icy clean and spotless, which makes his heart flutter.

Everything around him turned into a phantom, and he only had her in his eyes.

"I'll go, why did the fourth sister recruit a group of little girls?"

He Jiajie, who lowered his head and seriously grilled the meat, heard He Xiner's laughter, looked out happily, and then was surprised.

Nangong Han was also a little helpless, he originally wanted to have a quiet meeting with her, but so many people came.

"Cousin, cousin, how do you do it yourself?"

The crisp silver bell rang, Liu Min took the lead to enter the gazebo, and then made a fuss, causing He Jiajie to frown, "What are you here for?"


The straightforward and informal girl Liu Min seemed to suddenly feel that she was acting recklessly, so she felt embarrassed, her face blushed and her eyes flickered, she explained in a shy voice, "My fourth sister invited me to come here."

(End of this chapter)

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