Chapter 1999
He Xiner who happened to walk in at this time...

She is the one who co-authored it.

However, she quite likes the temperament of the little girl from the Liu family. She is also innocent and unscheming, so she is worth making friends with.

It's no big deal if you take the blame.

Just have fun, everyone.

So she smiled and said, "Not only did I invite Sister Liu, I also invited all the sisters at the same table. The fourth brother will be troubled."

Nangong Han could see clearly that she was obviously taken aback just now, and then she smiled and smoothed things over for the other party. It can be seen that she is pure-hearted and understanding. She picked the girl out with one word, but she really thought about her.

"Hey, Fourth Sister is too honest. I want to exhaust my brother to death by inviting so many people."

Now that He Xiner opened his mouth, He Jiajie would naturally stop being angry with Liu Min, but became worried.

He also wanted to talk and chat with his cousin and fourth younger sister in a clean and peaceful manner.

Well, she was a warm-hearted person, and suddenly brought a group of people, which almost filled up the small gazebo, and it was a waste of his thoughts.

Therefore, He Jiajie was a little unhappy.

He Xiner was speechless.

So this guy is just a bigot, he's just a guest, not to mention they're all pretty little girls, they're all thin-skinned, so you're so blatantly disgusting, is it really okay?
"Fourth brother should be troubled. Who told you to be a brother?"

He Xiner wore a sweet smile, well-behaved and cute, but her eyes were wide open, full of threats, and He Jiajie was overjoyed to see, "Okay, okay, I can't tell you, I'll listen to you."

As soon as Da stepped into the gazebo, the two siblings broke up. He Xiner didn't bother to say hello to Nangong Han, and felt quite embarrassed, "The fifth cousin is there?"

"Well, Jia Mingdao wants to invite me to a barbecue, and I've been waiting early in the morning."

Nangong Han smiled gently, and looked at her quietly with black and white eyes, as gentle as water.

He Xiner nodded with a chuckle, looked around, and said, "Fourth Brother really put in a lot of effort to please Fifth Cousin."

There are several smoking cages in the gazebo, plus a burning oven, all with strong firepower, so that the surroundings are warm and warm, but they don't feel cold.

There is also a small red clay stove for boiling water on the stone table, and the tea Choshi above it is gurgling and steaming.

This is ready for tea.

A smile flashed in He Xiner's eyes, she never expected that her fourth brother would be so considerate and considerate in doing things.

She smiled and introduced a group of little sisters to Nangong Han, and said, "Cousin Nangong belongs to my aunt's family. He is the fifth eldest, and the left and right are my relatives. Just call him fifth cousin."

The Qiao family sisters and He Qingqing sisters can really be related to Nangong Han. Although they are three thousand miles away, they are not really relatives, but it is not wrong to call them cousin on the scene.

But Liu Min, Jiang Xu, and Chai Qiongyan couldn't get close to their relatives, and they all called him Mr. Nangong politely.

Nangong Han nodded politely and reservedly, not talking to them.

"Five cousin~"

The voice was so greasy that He Xiner wanted to scratch her head.

Here it comes again, really haunted.

He Ji'er was too lazy to talk to this strange flower, "Sisters, please be more casual,..."

"I am a sister of the same family as my fourth sister, and her cousin is also my cousin. I will also call you fifth cousin, okay?"

He Yuru stared at Nangong Han obsessively, thinking that she was tender and affectionate, but she didn't know that it fell into Nangong Han's eyes, and she only felt hot eyes.

He has also met many women who are thin and fat, with different temperaments, but most of them obey the rules and manners, even if they are a little bit cautious, they must have face, and they will never stare at him so directly.

It was the first time that Nangong Han met such a straightforward woman. If it wasn't for He Xiner's presence, he would have thrown up his sleeves and left.

How can I take care of her.

(End of this chapter)

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