Chapter 2000 Cousin Lao Lao
He Xiuxiu is a long-eyed person, and she has long seen that Nan Gonghan looks gentle and jade-like, but in reality she is lonely and pure, how can she look up to a country girl.

Didn't you see that he only talked to He Xiner and ignored everyone else?
In other words, in his eyes, rich girls in the county are not qualified to associate with him.

But that idiot He Yuru was so embarrassing that she didn't dare to speak easily.

He Xiuxiu was so anxious to tell what to do, her mind was turning into a spinning top, and there was nothing she could do.

Just think about it, if it were her, she would not talk to a little peasant girl if she came from an earl's family.

What's more, the other party not only has a noble status, but also has a fairy appearance, which is a bit better than the characters in the painting, so he has the capital to be arrogant.

How can such a character be matched by ordinary women.

With her status as a peasant girl, it is as difficult as heaven to marry into the Earl's Mansion.

He Xiuxiu suppressed her jealousy and set her sights on He Xiner. If she wanted to succeed, she still had to find a way out of her.

"Four sisters~"

He Xiner shivered, feeling goosebumps all over the floor.

The gazebo was small in size, and after they all came in, it was quite crowded, and all the little girls had already sent away the maids. It was really such a day that it was too painful for them to wait outside, so they were sent back to the flower shed.

There was no one waiting in front of her, and He Xiner personally greeted the little sisters to sit down. The wooden seats were covered with thick brocade cushions, which were not cold at all and very comfortable.

As soon as she took off her cloak and put it on the fence, and was about to wash her hands and make tea, Nangong Han handed her a warm wet towel, "Fourth cousin, use this."

He smiled gracefully and calmly, and behaved naturally and gracefully. Although this behavior was a bit intimate, it was not frivolous at all. It made people feel that he was well-bred and quite gentlemanly, and he would not be annoying in the slightest.

He Xiner smiled slightly, but didn't reach out to pick it up, "Don't dare to bother Fifth Cousin, I'll just use my own handkerchief."

Regarding this, Nangong Han didn't force it, just smiled and said, "I'll help my cousin wet the handkerchief."

After pondering for a while, He Xiner took out a brocade handkerchief and handed it to him, "Thank you, cousin."

Fifth Cousin and Fifth Cousin are a little confusing, so let's just call him Cousin directly. Now that he is the only one here, he is not afraid of calling the wrong person.

Now that the other party called her cousin, He Xiner simply called her cousin, which was indeed more fluent than Fifth Cousin.

Nangong Han's eyes lit up suddenly, he was in a good mood, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, he took a deep look at He Xiner, took her handkerchief, and went to wet it with warm water.

The interaction between the two lasted only a few words, but it took a long time for He Yugu, so long that the smile froze on her face, and so long that her heart gradually turned cold.

She gouged out He Xin'er with a vicious look, but she didn't dare to make a fuss, and she wanted to leave in embarrassment, but she couldn't let go of the noble man of the uncle's mansion, and she couldn't bear to miss this opportunity, so she had to temporarily restrain her temper and shrink her shoulders With a slumped back, he stepped back to the side.

Before she thought of a good idea, she could only endure it temporarily.

He Xiuxiu was quite surprised, raised her eyebrows secretly, and thought to herself, she had to find a way to get rid of this idiot first to be serious.

As for the cold treatment she herself received, she didn't really care about it. Someone was putting her foot down, and if others laughed at her, they were also laughing at her.

Besides, as long as he can get acquainted with the noble son of the uncle's mansion, it doesn't matter if he is squeezed out for a few words, not to mention that He Xiner has never really done anything to her.

He Xiuxiu's eyes flickered and her brain was running fast. She couldn't figure out why He Xiner got the favor of the noble son of the uncle's mansion and treated her differently.

She sized He Xiner up and down with critical eyes, always felt that she was dressed too casually, she didn't have the demeanor of a big lady at all, she looked like a delicate little maid.

Thin and small, bland like a glass of boiled water, what's so good about it.

Secretly glanced at a certain part of He Xiner, He Xiuxiu puffed up her chest, feeling very superior.

(End of this chapter)

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